The story revolves around a young ambitious girl . Due to her father's early death, her family is not so well-off and she dreams of being rich and prosperous like her friend....
'Bulbulay' is a sitcom that revolves around a family of four. In each episode Momo, Nabeel, Khoobsurat and Mehmood Sahib, find themselves in a new situation every time and deal with the consequences in their own unique manner....
The show centers on a team of doctors in a hospital in Karachi and revolves around their routines at the hospital and their private lives at home....
Umer is doing his graduation and is in love with his fellow university mate Sara, who belongs to a sound family and when she tells her parents about Umer's proposal, they immediately refuse to give permission....
Tanhaiyaan is a 1985 Pakistani drama serial which is now considered a cult classic. The drama serial was directed by the legendary Shahzad Khalil and was written by the famous drama writer Haseena Moin. Tanhaiyan featured an ensemble star cast of veterans such as Shehnaz Sheikh, Marina Khan, Badar Khalil, Azra Sherwani, Asif Raza Mir, Behroze Sabzwari, Qazi Wajid, Jamshed Ansari, Yasmeen Ismail, Durdana Butt, Mohammad Yousaf, Sultana Zafar, Subhani Ba Younas and Imtiaz Ali. It is the story of ...