Comedy Nights with Kapil is a comedy show which provides a distinctive take on the everyday life of a common man as the show explores the story of every household and how our common man Kapil is affected by the simplest issues in life around him....
Based on the format of roast comedy, the show features comic crusaders who take a jibe at celebrity guests testing their patience through slapstick humor and make unpleasant jokes about them....
Family Front was a 1997 Pakistani comedy drama sitcom. It was broadcast by the Pakistan Television Corporation. This sitcom was directed by Waseem Abbas and written by Muhammad Younis Butt. The cast included Saba Hameed, Samina Ahmad, Waseem Abbas, Mira Hashmi, Iram Hassan, Shahzad Nasim and Naseem Vicky....
Story revolves around two punjabi theatre artists, something bad happened with them and then how they get back their life on track....
The story revolves around Gora, Sehaj and Kevin. Gora is a struggling actor while Sehaj is a single mother who lives with her son Kevin. Sehaj hires Gora to play Kevin`s father. Will everything go according to plan?...