Cinta SMU is an Indonesian soap opera produced by Rapi Films which premiered on 21 March 21 2002 on Indosiar. This soap opera stars Nabila Syakieb, Hessel Steven, and Zaskia Adya Mecca....
This show follows the mischievous servant Sule as he goes about his ignorant ways. Sule is upset with Mrs. Tiyo/Kanjeng Mami who has hired a new maid for cooking, so he decided to return to his hometown. Even in his absence, his presence can still be felt.Kanjeng Mami then asks Mr. Tiyo to bring Sule back, what ever it takes. What other mischiefs will Sule get into next?...
Set in 1896, "Tjoet Nja' Dhien" celebrates one of Indonesia's great heroes who fought for independence from the Dutch. The pious Muslim people of Aceh, a city that had flourished since ancient times as a trade port, enter into a fierce war with the Dutch. Tjoet Nja' Dhien, the widow of a rebel leader operating in Aceh in Sumatra, assumes the leadership when her husband Teuku Uma is killed in an ambush. Dhien's charismatic presence and power of survival motivate the locals to join and later conti...
Fikri, groomed by a modest family, grows into a pious and independent figure. In addition to his study, he also helps his father and mother to make cakes, fried snacks, painting frames, and sand ornament sold through several galleries. One of which is Koh Acong’s gallery who has a beautiful daughter, Lidya. Fikri is the dream of many girls in campus. But, there is only one girl at Fikri’s heart: Leni. Leni actually likes Fikri, but as a Muslim girl who always control her behavior, she keeps her...
According to the rumors, there was a Dutch noni who had died from being raped who is now a ghostly ghost in an old school building, Nancy's ghost had been terrorized and successfully secured before by Ucha Mang, who is a school administrator as well as the caretaker of the building ....