Raines is a crime drama television series that ran from March 15, 2007 to April 27, 2007 on NBC in the United States. The show premiered as a mid-season replacement, as well as airing on CH in Canada, TV3 in Ireland, ITV3 in the UK, and on Network Ten in Australia. The series focused on Michael Raines, a 'mentally haunted' LAPD detective, who interacts with imaginary manifestations of dead crime victims in order to solve criminal cases. Raines must deal with his unique, unintentional method, as...
These half-hour specials showcased some of the best up-and-coming comedians of the moment. The show was a pivotal stepping stone for many of today's stand-up stars....
Alan Shore and Denny Crane lead a brigade of high-priced civil litigators in an upscale Boston law firm in a series focusing on the professional and personal lives of brilliant but often emotionally challenged attorneys. A spin-off of long-running series The Practice....
A former Marine out to punish the criminals responsible for his family's murder finds himself ensnared in a military conspiracy....
The owners of a dive bar in Brooklyn, Horace and Pete, along with bar regulars share their experiences and lives with each other while drinking or working at the bar....
Gotham Comedy Club, a popular comedy venue in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, is the setting of an hourlong series that is shot in front of an audience at the club. Each episode features routines by several comics -- a list that has included such names as David Alan Grier, Gilbert Gottfried and Artie Lange -- in what the network says is an unedited and uncensored format. In addition to the big names of the field who take the Gotham stage, the show also features up-and-comers who want to m...
The League is an American sitcom and semi-improvised comedy about a about a fantasy football league and its members and their everyday lives....
In cases ripped from the headlines, police investigate serious and often deadly crimes, weighing the evidence and questioning the suspects until someone is taken into custody. The district attorney's office then builds a case to convict the perpetrator by proving the person guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Working together, these expert teams navigate all sides of the complex criminal justice system to make New York a safer place....
Whitney is an American sitcom that ran on NBC from September 22, 2011 to March 27, 2013. The series originally aired in the 9:30 pm /8:30 pm Thursday night timeslot. The show stars Whitney Cummings and is based on her real-life experience and her comedy routines. On September 25, 2011, the pilot of Whitney was multipurposed on various NBCUniversal networks, including Oxygen, E!, Style, and Bravo; it last aired on E!. On May 9, 2013, Whitney was canceled by NBC....
A standup comic discovers that his wife is unfaithful, leading him to reevaluate his life amidst the New York City comedy scene....
Russell Simmons' name is in the title -- he's an executive producer -- but it's JB Smoove who is front and center as host of this stand-up showcase, which features a roster of rising comics and veteran stars doing their thing. Smoove gets into the act as well with new material, and JB also gives viewers an added bonus by performing in pre-taped sketches woven into each episode....
The exploits of a group of men and women who serve the City of New York as police officers, firemen, and paramedics, all working the same fictional 55th precinct during the 3pm to 11pm shift - the 'Third Watch'....
Joyce Chandler (Trish Goff), a young divorced woman and recovering alcoholic, moves into a Manhattan apartment that seems a bit too secluded to be true. It is: Upstairs lives Charlotte Bancroft (Ally Sheedy), a woman with a wall of obliviousness who can turn even an 'apology' into a guilt trip, Charlotte persists in making Joyce's nighttime hours a living hell. As the torture continues, Joyce starts to lose her grip on her job, her health and her sanity. It's a heck of a price to pay for having ...
After September 11th, six Lower Manhattan residents must deal with pain on their own. Yet in doing so, they find that their lives are inexplicably linked. "Ash Tuesday" examines the loneliness inherent in New York life, but it does so with a refreshing wit and humor that will leave you smiling....
Walter Dishman, a married and melancholy parole officer, deals with three eccentric ex-convicts who have been placed under his supervision....
Do you have to be miserable to be funny? More than sixty comedians—including stand-ups, writers, actors, and directors from the US, Canada, and abroad—take on this question, sharing anecdotes and insights with lively enthusiasm....
Convinced that his fiancee is cheating on him, a man follows her to a hotel and calls his best friend to help him avoid a calamity....
Stand-up comedian Max Bernal lives with his father Stan while struggling to co-parent his autistic son Ezra with his ex-wife. When forced to confront difficult decisions about their son's future, Max and Ezra embark on a cross-country road trip that has a transcendent impact on both their lives....
Comedian Dov Davidoff dissects the irony and problems of the world in a way that makes funny what otherwise isn't. He pushes the envelope giving his amusingly acute take on everything from prejudice in politics and school lunches, gay rights, and why men don't stop for directions. Filmed at the El Portal theater in North Hollywood, CA, nothing is off limits in Davidoff's first hour special delivering his no holds barred, high intensity routing that always leaves us wanting more....
Comedian Dov Davidoff delivers a stand-up performance at the Vic Theatre in Chicago. A dissection of misleading truths in today's culture is included....
An aging comic icon, Jackie Burke, has seen better days. Despite his efforts to reinvent himself and his comic genius, the audience only wants to know him as the former television character he once played. Already a strain on his younger brother and his wife, Jackie is forced to serve out a sentence doing community service for accosting an audience member. While there, he meets Harmony, the daughter of a sleazy Florida real estate mogul, and the two find inspiration in one another, resulting in ...
Inspired by the true story of Vince Papale, a man with nothing to lose who ignored the staggering odds and made his dream come true. When the coach of Papale's beloved hometown football team hosted an unprecedented open tryout, the public consensus was that it was a waste of time – no one good enough to play professional football was going to be found this way....
A comedy about a group of struggling actors living in Manhattan. Their lives, heartaches and a plan to help a friend in need by blackmailing a corrupt politician with his own sex tape....
A crew of savvy former strip club employees band together to turn the tables on their Wall Street clients....