Leyla ile Mecnun is a Turkish television comedy series. The show is set in Istanbul, Turkey and premiered in 2011 on TRT. The series is a surreal and absurd comedy that revolves around the fictional love story between Leyla and Mecnun....
Efsun, who works as a dermatologist, lives peacefully on the farm with her father in a village in Gaziantep. Her mother left her and her father at a young age and moved to Istanbul and became one of Turkey's most important plastic surgeons. Efsun suddenly receives news from her mother, whom she has not seen since she was 12 years old. Her mother is on her deathbed and wants to see her one last time. She invites Efsun to Istanbul by sending her driver. Efsun, who goes to Istanbul to see her mothe...
Three things in life can not be hidden "love, smoke and lack of money". The social society and the events behind the business world are told....
Turkey's series about the events experienced in the 1980s...
A beautiful and intense tv show about finding and holding on to love. Nur, a simple woman from countryside goes to Istanbul and finds what she expected the least; love....
A life story of Barış Akarsu, who was a Turkish rock musician and actor....
Ms. Deniz will marry Nurperi with her father's compulsion. For Otilia concert, Deniz went to Burgazada a week before Nurperi's bed and encountered the sun while diving here. The sea thinks that the sun is hearing impaired and decides to learn sign language to communicate with it. As the young man begins to communicate with the sign language, the Sun begins to think that he is hearing impaired....
Ekrem is an ice cream seller who goes through a number of funny adventures as he tries to win the heart of Nese, the woman he loves....