Custe o Que Custar is a Brazilian television comedy show, produced by Eyeworks and aired weekly by Rede Bandeirantes since March 17, 2008. It is presented by Marcelo Tas, and has in its team Marco Luque and Oscar Filho. The news reports are conducted by Felipe Andreoli, Monica Iozzi, Mauricio Meirelles, Ronald Rios and Dani Calabresa. The program covers weekly events from Politics, Arts and Sports, from a humorous and satirical viewpoint. It oftens uses metalanguage by satyrizing the very progr...
Pânico na Band is a Brazilian comedy television show produced and broadcast by Rede Bandeirantes. Is the second television version of Brazilian radio program Pânico, succeeding the Pânico na TV, broadcast by RedeTV! until 2012. The show debuted on Bandeirantes in April 1, 2012....
Nothing for this woman! Anitta is back, with her new show, made entirely from home, where she presents, directs, sings, dances and who knows what! After all, with our diva anything can happen....
A couple of tough girls from the Brazilian countryside race their pickup truck to win a bet and prove that they're better than the boys....
In this Brazilian mockumentary, Paulo, Manuel, Eric and Alex all have a shared dream: to make a blockbuster action movie. The challenge is immense, as it requires bringing their grandiose ideas down to Earth. Each is equally passionate and narrow-minded about what they do, and in spite of a predilection for getting into trouble, nothing will stop them from pursuing fame, success, and the money they lack for the project in one hilarious misadventure after another....
In a convention of youtubers, the characters enter into various conflicts since they are all in search of fame at any price....
Teodora discovers that her husband was having a virtual relationship and enters a crisis, which results in the loss of her job as a presenter of a culinary program. Disillusioned, she decides to hit the road and sets out on a journey of self-discovery, walking the Way of Santiago de Compostela, in Spain....
There are limits to jokes? What is the politically incorrect humor? A joke has the power to offend? It is these issues that 'Laughter of Others' discusses interviewing personalities such as comedians Danilo Gentili and Rafinha Bastos, cartoonist Laerte and Congressman Jean Wyllys, among others. The documentary delves into the world of Stand Up Comedy to discuss the fine line between comedy and offense, between legal and what creates endless lawsuits....
Three girls are invited to participate in a music festival in their summer. However, they discover that they are in summer school, so they need to find a way to go to the musical festival without their parents finding out....
He's mid-30s going on 79, with scathingly funny views on fatherhood, marriage and society. Let Maurício Meirelles give you a tour of his chaotic mind....