Chocky is a 1984 children's television drama based on the 1968 novel by John Wyndham and was broadcast on ITV in the United Kingdom. Two sequels were produced. All were written by Anthony Read and produced by Thames Television. The series was also broadcast and popular in Czechoslovakia - both dubbings were made. While the 1968 novel was set in an unspecified 'near future', the TV adaptation was set contemporaneously in the mid-1980s. The Gore family acquire a second generation Citroen CX car w...
Patrick Troughton stars in this children's fantasy tale with dark undertones. When a young schoolboy is given a box for safekeeping by a mysterious magician, little does he know the wondrous things he’ll soon discover....
Matthew Gore is an intelligent boy chosen by a mysterious extraterrestrial visitor to be a source of information about life on Earth. As his schoolwork and artistic talent improve dramatically he arouses the suspicion of powerful groups who wish to tap into the amazing fund of knowledge to which he is now party....