This Brazilian TV show tells the story of young Jorel's Brother daily life, including dealing with his family, school and friends....
Jorel's Brother family almost gives up on Carnivals party whrn they find out that a soda brand sponsors the party, standardizing the costumes and playing the same song over and over again....
Jorel's family prepares for Christmas Eve with a big dinner, flashing lights, plates, cutlery and cups, only used on very special occasions. The china cabinet is finally opened....
Dr. K is an old man who loves hiking, always curious and looking for new knowledge. At some point along the way, strange and mysterious objects appear on your way. Little by little, Dr. K realizes that the objects will actually help him unravel a much bigger mystery: the right techniques for creating an animation....
When a rejected guitar player falls into a manhole, he meets a welcoming group of misfit musicians who try to help him find his way back home....