The story focuses on a special unit of Czech intelligence, known as the Extraktoři (Extractors). The unit operates in secret and its main mission is to ensure the safe return of endangered Czechs from abroad. The story offers insight into the world of espionage and international covert operations and is inspired by true events....
Although Czech republic is country free of rabbies, some cases of infected animals appear near one of villages in Sumava region. Virologist Pavel Rogl, that is in his thirties, has task to inspect the situation, supervise the vaccination and find the source of infection. He is also charged to elaborate an expertise for team of police detectives, that are investigating mysterious double homicide. It is possible, that murders are connected to infection. Is it a human murderer, or big beast that es...
The Markovič Method: Hojer is a six-part series about the capture and conviction of one of the most horrific serial killers in the era of normalization in Czechoslovakia, Ladislav Hojer, by the legendary detective Jiří Markovič....
Three young actresses go to the Karlovy Vary Film Festival together. The successful Adéla will present her new film. The burnt-out Ema goes to support Adéla. And carefree Soňa just wants to enjoy movies and parties. But the days at the festival don't go as expected and the three women's friendships and careers are put to the test. Can they still manage to outwardly act like they're happy and at ease? Šimon Holý's comedy shows the harsh truths about the film industry and the acting profession. It...
The story is about a plumber, who is called Good man from the bones. He is not afraid of any work, he manages all the work he gets. Wittily responds to every situation that befalls him....