The series is a prequel, featuring the high school years of Flint Lockwood, the eccentric young scientist in the films. In his adventures, he will be joined by Sam Sparks, a new girl in town and the school's "wannabe" reporter, along with Flint's dad Tim, Steve the Monkey, Manny as the head of the school's audiovisual club, Earl as a school gym teacher, Brent as a baby wear model, and Mayor Shelbourne, who wins every election on the pro-sardine platform....
This Canadian cartoon focuses on two monkey brothers named Gus and Wally who are in outer space working as GASI agents (Galactic Animal Space Institute agents, so no pun intended!). They are accompanied by their robot friend YAY-OK and their boss Dr. Chimpsky as they are sent on missions to accomplish different tasks, including defeating their enemies....
Winston Steinburger and Sir Dudley Ding Dong follows the intergalactic exploits of Winston Steinburger, his cat Dudley, and a high-strung alien named Hampton - three unlikely amigos in the Globulus Galaxy; a busy stretch of alien-infused space, millions of moons from earth....
Luc and Theo are best friends who get stuck in a time loop where every day is Monday but they rock it like it's Saturday. Luc is a 12 year old kid always looking for fun. After a major sucky school day he makes things worse by hopping on his skateboard and crashing into Theo's garage-lab. Chemicals mix, sparks fly and 17 scientific experiments mash into one freaky mess. The results: Luc and Theo find themselves caught in an irreversible time-loop. This would be a problem if the boys weren't havi...
After finding out her grandmother won't be visiting for Christmas, Lucy decides to cheer herself up by throwing the ultimate New Year's Eve party. Meanwhile, Charlie Brown tries to fulfill one of his resolutions before the clock strikes midnight....
It’s Christmas time in Swallow Falls and to Sam’s surprise there’s not a single Santa Claus decoration! Until Flint introduces her to their version of Santa, Lobster Claus! Frustrated, Sam writes to Santa to tell him about Lobster Claus taking credit for all of Santa’s work. Santa unexpectedly arrives in Swallow Falls to challenge Lobster Claus. The town blames Sam for ruining Christmas, and she and Flint must find a way to make peace between the two Clauses....
There is some monstrous Halloween fun brewing in Swallow Falls! Flint accidentally creates his own Frankenstein- like monster. The Monster quickly becomes attached to Flint, and Flint has to learn to live with his new "son". Things get even more frightful when Mayor Shelbourne buys up ALL the town's candy at Halloween, and promises to give it to any kid who can make it through his super-scary haunted house. Is Candy-obsessed Sam up to the challenge?...