Quelli dell'intervallo is an Italian situation comedy produced by Disney Channel Italy. The show focuses on kids as they chat and get into unexpected situations while at a window in their school. After Disney's success with the show, the idea was replicated throughout continental Europe, and eventually Asia, Australia, and the United States. In total, fourteen different shows have spun off from Quelli dell'intervallo. The show finally ended in 2009 ending the series with Quelli dell'intervallo...
Quelli dell'Intervallo Cafè is an Italian television series, second spin-off of the best known Quelli dell'intervallo, original format of As The Bell Rings. The series is set in the Nico's uncle's cafe, Quelli dell'intervallo cafè, where Nico and Tinelli work after school. There often sings Jaky, Nico and Tinelli's schoolmate and an emerging popstar. He has a bodyguard, named Brusco Lino. All the adventures of the boys are accompanied by the smell of croissants and the presence, not always welc...
Follow the launch of Lamborghini’s career as a manufacturer of tractors, a creator of military vehicles during World War II, and the designer of Lamborghini cars, which he launched in 1963 as the high-end sports car company Automobili Lamborghini....
A teenager, named Matteo, dreams of becoming a professional swimmer. When his coach prefers to him the son of the team's sponsors, Matteo takes revenge studying at the university Bocconi and inventing a social network....
It depicts the lives of several groups of characters interacting at the beach of Forte dei Marmi during the mid-1980s....
Milan, Italy, 1967. Santo Russo, a boy of Calabrian origin, arrives north with his parents and younger brother to find better living conditions. Due to an absurd misunderstanding and his father's contempt, Santo ends up in prison, where he gets a “true education.” In 1978, he and his friends Slim and Mario embark on a 15-year criminal career, a successful and ruthless spiral of robberies, kidnappings, murders and heroin smuggling....