The story revolves around high school student Akira Uehara, sensitive and demure by nature. Despite that he has a large crush on the most feared and violent girl in school-Nanako Momoi, who seems fragile and cute, until she opens her mouth. One day, Uehara is made to go to Momoi's house where he meets her mad scientist grandfather and unwillingly becomes the test subject for one of his machines. Accidentally, Momoi alsogets tangled in the experiment and the two end up switching bodies. To make m...
A new season of the acclaimed series finishes with these twenty sensational shorts capturing the essence of psychological terror with chilling visuals....
Tsuneo is a university student working part-time in a mah-jong parlour. Lately the customers have been talking about an old lady who pushes a baby carriage through the streets. They say she is carrying something for a crime syndicate, and they wonder what it is she has in the carriage Money? Drugs? One day, the owner of the mah-jong parlour sends Tsuneo out to walk his dog. A baby carriage comes rolling down a hill and crashes into a guard rail. The old lady asks him to look into the carriage, w...
Naive office girl Yuko supports her blithe big city lifestyle with a part-time job at a neighborhood cafe. Attracted to her manager there, the shallow but charming Yutaka, she willingly succumbs to his lascivious advances only to discover afterward that he already has a girlfriend by the name of Midori. Even so, Yuko's feelings for Yutaka continue to grow regardless of his aloofness. Before long she finds herself reluctantly cajoled into working as a hostess in a small karaoke bar. Fatalisticall...
Kimura Tamiko, an unemployed twenty-four-year-old, decides to transform herself on the occasion of her birthday. First she tries to get rid of her virginity, and invites Makoto, who she met through an online dating service, to a love hotel. But it turns out Makoto is gay....