Ouyang Nana is a Taiwanese actress and musician.
The theatre man and his theatre...
As the chaos in Yong'an escalates, Shen Zhen finds herself navigating the harsh realities of the streets, her sheltered existence shattered. Meanwhile, Lu Shiyan's pursuit of justice becomes intertwined with his unexpected connection to Shen Zhen, leading them both into an uncertain future. Despite the odds stacked against them, their collaboration leads to significant revelations about the West Canal collapse. However, as they draw closer to the truth, they also attract the attention of a formi...
“Hit It Off” is a captivating reality show that pairs up actors to undergo intensive training and enhance their acting skills. Over a dozen talented young actors coexist in a shared living space, showcasing to the audience the behind-the-scenes reality of an actor's life. Throughout their journey, the participants engage in daily activities that allow them to forge deeper connections with their fellow actors. Each individual enters the show with the goal of finding their ideal screen partner, d...
Adventure Life 奇遇人生 is a star documentary reality show launched by Tencent Video. The program adopts the deep combination of “documentary + variety reality show”, through the past of the guests, to customize a unique life exploration tour for guests...
In order to find out the truth about his mother's death, the heir of Feng Shang Group Shang Bo Ran joins a fashion magazine publisher while hiding his identity....
"Hello, Saturday" is the rebranding of popular Chinese show "Happy Camp", hosted by He Jiong and with a fixed group of regular celebrity members. The program showcases the talent of various stars as well as social topics through creative and diverse content and games. It aims to spread positive energy whilst keeping up with the current trends and leading youth culture....
The cast is introduced to the settings and suspects of a murder case for the new episode. The cast then chooses their role in the episode, as a particular suspect or the detective....
The first female emotional reality show to deconstruct the "mother-daughter relationship"....
Shen Zhiheng is a gentleman and celebrity in the Republic of China, and Mi Lan is the daughter of a wealthy businessman, who has been blind since childhood. They met on a fateful night when Mi Lan saves Shen Zhiheng from the brink of death. From then on they have been tied to each other and redeemed each other ever since....
Go Fridge is a Chinese cooking show produced by Tencent Video. The rights were bought from South Korean television series Please Take Care of My Refrigerator. In each episode, two guests bring their refrigerators to the filming studio and sit down to talk with the hosts and other chefs. At the end of examining the fridge, a guest selects two chefs to cook a dish for them to eat, they will each have 15 minutes to cook the dishes, with the winner selected only by the guest alone. The chefs must us...
A young boy with insurmountable potential starts on an adventure to become a great hero who fights on the side of good. Along the way, he forms lasting friendships and finds love. Mu Chen was born in the Mu region. His father is the Mu Chief, but a series of tragic events forced his mother to abandon Mu Chen early in his life. Mu Chen swore to become strong, seek out his mother, and reunite with her. Mu Chen’s natural talents give him the chance to cultivate his skills for competition. During h...
Go Fighting! is classified as a game-variety-reality show, and the MCs and guests complete missions at a landmark to win the objective. Usually each episode will also have an over-arching theme or story. Each episode varies in the challenges and the instructions given to the MCs, and rules are not strictly enforced, resulting in a largely unscripted show....
Hurry Up, Brother! is a Chinese variety show based off the original Korean variety show, Running Man. It is created by SBS and co-produced with Zhejiang Television. It first aired on October 10, 2014. This show is classified as a game-variety show, where the MCs and guests complete missions in a landmark to win a race. In 2017, the show officially changed its name to "Keep Running"....
The show documents the simplistic lifestyle of living away from the bustling city centers. Each season takes place in a different rural part of China. The cast members are only provided with the basic life necessities and have to take care of everything else such as cooking their own meals and building their own furniture. To "buy" different cooking ingredients and other tools, they have to complete certain tasks assigned by the production crew, such as planting and harvesting crops. Different g...
The program invites five groups of friends with original friendships to meet for a three-day and two-night "true friend" camping....
Taking look on the day-to-day work schedule of literary and art workers as the starting point, it uses the three stages of meeting, observation, and dialogue to demonstrate professionalism, moral character, and positive values. To promote the fighting spirit and creative spirit of professionals from all walks of life in a general way....
Tells the story of a Communist Party's early history during the turbulent era, examining the remarkable Chinese revolutionary leaders' zeal and contrition for the ascension of the Chinese people....
Chinese movie...
In the 1940s, the world was in turmoil, and it was crucial to decipher the enemy's communication codes in a timely and accurate manner. Rong Jinzhen has shown amazing mathematical talent since her childhood, and because she solved the problems assigned by her math teacher, she was noticed by more people, and even walked into the door of code-breaking by mistake....
When a single, successful female lawyer is involved in a highway car accident, she wakes up to find herself in an alternate reality where she's forced take on the responsibility of a full time mother and wife, dealing with her demanding architect husband and two difficult children....
A cross-generational look at how denizens of China's largest city deal with romance and commitment....
A young man chases his dream of becoming a pro cyclist and is met with challenges....
Interpol partners with a wealthy entrepreneur to protect a new invention dubbed The Seed of God....
Jackie Chan stars as a hardened special forces agent who fights to protect a young woman from a sinister criminal gang. At the same time, he feels a special connection to the young woman, like they met in a different life....
The story revolves around a pair of teens who meet during difficult times and wind up falling in love....