Inside a chaotic emergency room in Rio de Janeiro, a team of doctors are torn between their internal personal conflicts, the difficulties of the profession and the surprising dramas behind each patient‘s history, in a heroic attempt to save lives...See more...
In 1970, with the conflicts in Brazil due to political repression from the military dictatorship as a background, the inquisitive student Alice and the idealistic doctor Renato fall deeply in love. Their worlds are joined by passion, but they are kept apart for many years by family feuds and a country facing a turmoil that affects lives and dreams....
The plot tells the history and daily life of the Lemos Family between the 1920s and 1940s. Júlio works in a fabric store and has the ambition of getting rich to offer his family a good life. His wife, Lola, does everything she can to keep her family together, because she believes that this way they can move on....
Maíra was raised by her father believing that her mother had died. This was a lie her father told her in order to protect her from the scorn of her mother, who rejected her when she learned that her daughter was born with a disability. Many years later, Maíra comes across a stranger on their doorstep. That’s Zoé, her mother. Without revealing her true intentions, Zoe reappears asking her daughter’s forgiveness for having abandoned her. As in a dream that turns into a nightmare, Maíra experiences...
When her husband is killed in a land grabbing attempt, Aline takes charge of cultivating his land and protecting his family. Facing the powerful Antonio La Selva, responsible for the death of her husband and the largest landowner in the region, Aline is determined to keep possession of her land and invest in its production. However, she didn't expect that she would fall in love with Daniel, son of her rival, who is at odds with his rebellious half-brother, Caio, who, in turn, also falls in love ...
Rodrigo and Beatriz are a couple who, after going through a traumatic event, invite their friend, Ana, to stay isolated at their home during the pandemic. Everything goes smoothly for the first few days, with an uncomfortable atmosphere of seduction between the three of them, but nothing out of the ordinary. Then, one morning, Rodrigo sees Ana's name on the list of deaths from covid-19. Everyone thinks it's weird and believes it was just a mistake in the publication, but strange events start to ...
The special features 22 real testimonials from people like Mandela, Martin Luther King and Marielle Franco, who fought racism and freedom in favor of justice....