Unusual Suspects is an American documentary television series on Investigation Discovery. The series debuted on June 21, 2010. The series showcases many of the most shocking and difficult cases in law enforcement history, and also sheds light on the investigations that led to the arrest of the culprits....
Scientists and sci-fi writers explore a hypothetical first-contact event between aliens and humans....
An anthology series claiming to be inspired by tragic, Shakespearean true-life events....
In the fictional town of Neptune, California, student Veronica Mars progresses from high school to college while moonlighting as a private investigator under the tutelage of her detective father....
Relying heavily on recently declassified material and premium cinematic recreations, this series charts a Cold War game of cat and mouse from Vegas to Miami to Havana that pitted Washington's strongest players against the 20th century's most notorious gangsters and exploring the secret connections among the CIA, the mob and Sinatra's Rat Pack that still resonate today....
A famous and successful TV prankster finds himself the victim of the ultimate prank when he is set up for a murder he did not commit....