The series revolves around four couples, and one set of roommates, of varying ages and backgrounds. With a realistic tone, the dramatic comedy explores in a raw and unexpected way the drama and hilarity experienced by couples in the intimacy of the bedroom....
MyMusic was the primary series that aired on the MyMusicShow YouTube channel. It documented the antics of MyMusic, a transmedia production company where, rather than referring to each other by name, the staff go by the varying music genres with which they associate. CEO and founder Indie heads the team, which consists of people following extremely different–and frequently conflicting–tastes and attitudes. The company claims to have been given the YouTube original channel, which brings along with...
When fourteen-year-old Jarvis Raines gets a chemistry set from his Aunt Marlene for Christmas, he assumes it's just another boring gift. Boy is he wrong! The contents create a chemical reaction that destroys his houseso much for a Merry Christmas! After getting not even an apology from the manufacturer, Knickknack Toys, Jarvis takes them to court, wins, and ends up owning the company!...
Meet The Thundermans, a typical suburban family that happens to have astounding superpowers. At the center of the action are the 14-year-old Thunderman twins, who share the same bathroom, the same school, and the same annoying little siblings. Their only difference? The sister is a super student with a super sunny disposition who super looks forward to being a superhero someday, and her twin brother is a super villain....
When Michelle Hathaway relocates to New Orleans to open a bakery with her daughters Taylor and Frankie, they quickly learn that life in the “Big Easy” is very different. Unbeknownst to them, their new home is already occupied by a ghost family comprised of jazz musician father Ray Preston and his sons Miles and Louie. After agreeing to live under one roof, they come to care about and rely on one another while driving each other crazy – just like any normal family would. Though leery at first, th...
Four tech-savvy teens hone their skills as cyber-superheroes in a series of secret missions to save the world....
A tale of love and violence when a man on his emotional last legs finds a savior seductively dancing in a run-down strip club. And a life most certainly headed off a cliff suddenly becomes redirected - as everything is now worth dying for....
The story of 16-year-old Kayla Adams, whose mother, Karen is advised by the school’s counselor to send Kayla to get treatment at a youth residential treatment center after she gets expelled from school. Kayla arrives at the Utah facility on the same day as her roommate Amanda, a treatment program veteran who knows exactly what the girls were in for. Led by headmistress Miss Connie, the staff uses draconian methods including force-feeding medications, arbitrary punishments, solitary confinement, ...
Winnie's life is less than wonderful one year after saving her town from a psychotic killer on Christmas Eve. When she wishes she was never born, she finds herself magically transported to a nightmarish parallel universe. With the murderous maniac now back, she must team up with a misfit to identify the culprit and get back to her own reality....
12-year-old Ryan moves to the town where her father was born—a bleak, dying fishing town. However, exploring the coast, she discovers a cove that is home to a mysterious girl named Coral who reveals herself to be a mermaid....
Just three days out from their wedding day, Jess and Max are ready to call it quits from the out-of-control planning. They visit Billie, the owner of a wedding donation company, specializing in donating leftover wedding elements to those in need. However when Max’s brother Charlie will stop at nothing to keep them together, he enlists the help of Billie to ensure this meant-to-be couple gets hitched once and for all....
A narrative drama coming of age film about four teenage friends having one last wild night together in a hometown that they'll be leaving tomorrow and know they'll never return to. If they live to see morning, that is....
Set after the events of the original cartoon series "Recess", this fan film takes a look at the characters in high school....
When a weathered old envelope appears in the mailbox of Meg's new apartment marked Return to Sender, she joins the building manager Ollie along with podcaster Ellen and partner Pete to find out who sent this mysterious love letter....
Dave and Nell recount the Christmas where they unknowingly fell in love while working as rivals on a town festival, as their daughter’s boyfriend struggles to navigate his own relationship....