Cachitos de hierro y cromo is a Spanish musical-themed documentary program, directed by Jero Rodríguez and hosted by Virginia Díaz. It is an unapologetic musical display of RTVE's sound legacy in the form of performances on the set of programs such as 'Aplauso', 'Galas del Sábado', 'Mapa Sonoro', 'Zona Franca' or 'Los Conciertos de Radio 3'. For nearly 60 years, artists and other specimens have stormed viewers' screens. The result is a polyphony of images and memories that includes everything fr...
Kind of biopic of Leonardo Dantes and at the same time an ode to the national art with a parade of many of the essentials: Loli Alvarez, La Momia, Los Barones of Transylvania, Tony Genil, Tony Luna, la Santera Miguelina and add and follow...
The rude, lewd and crude Spanish ex-police officer Torrente finds himself facing jail time. Can he survive a twisted irony that places him where he has put so many others, both guilty and innocent?...
Plauto, the clown, tells us the story of the Circo de las Alegrías. Doña Alegría, owner of the Circus is determined that her son Palevhi, maintain the classic line of the show, which begs for a complete renovation. During the last years, the Circus has been dragging like a dying man until the threat of bankruptcy and unemployment has led his workers to anguish. One night in September, Palevhi decides to inform the big family of the circus the final closure. Tears of frustration give way to the s...
A pornographic parody based on Mort & Phil, the comic characters created by Francisco Ibañez....