Die ProSieben Märchenstunde is a television movie series that has been produced since 2006. It features characters that are exclusively portrayed by German and Austrian comedians and actors. The series is shot in Prague. The screenplays have - amongst others - been written by Tommy Krappweis, Erik Haffner and Norman Cöster who came up with the stories of Bernd das Brot. Additionally, they are directing and have cameo appearances. Many actors use their respective dialect. Die ProSieben Märchens...
The SOKO Stuttgart team investigates analytically and with sensitivity in the likeable state capital. The exciting cases of the series lead them to bizarre crime scenes and to different milieus....
Every episode has changing Profi chefs which compete against three hobby chefs in three rounds. The Profis don’t know the recipes....
A German competitive reality television cooking show based on the British television cooking game show of the same title....