Sassy sitcom centering on radio and television personality Martin Payne. Series focuses on his romantic relationship with girlfriend Gina, her best friend Pam and escapades with best friends Tommy and Cole....
Living Single is an American television sitcom that aired for five seasons on the Fox network from August 22, 1993, to January 1, 1998. The show centered on the lives of six friends who share personal and professional experiences while living in a Brooklyn brownstone. Throughout its run, Living Single became one of the most popular African-American sitcoms of its era, ranking among the top five in African-American ratings in all five seasons. The series was produced by Yvette Lee Bowser's compa...
Hangin' with Mr. Cooper is an American television sitcom that originally aired on ABC from 1992 to 1997, starring Mark Curry and Holly Robinson. The show took place in Curry's hometown of Oakland, California. Hangin' with Mr. Cooper was produced by Jeff Franklin Productions, in association with Warner Bros. Television, and also became produced by Bickley-Warren Productions by the third season. The show originally aired on Tuesdays in prime time after sister series Full House. The show found its...
Family Reunion follows a family of six who travel from Seattle, Washington to Columbus, Georgia for the McKellan Family Reunion and decide to stay to be closer to their family....
Players working as a team complete a series of difficult physical and psychological tests, each worth a set amount of money. One of the players, however, is a "Mole" or saboteur, whose goal is to foil the efforts of the other players without revealing his or her identity. At the end of each episode, the group is given a quiz on The Mole's identity. The player who knows the least information about The Mole is then immediately sent home. In the final episode, The Mole is revealed and the one remai...
A well-renowned barber meets the son he never knew he had, thirty years after his birth. Work, love and life collide as they adjust to life as a new family....
Fan-favorites, arch-rivals, villains and the sexiest participants from the hugely successful "Bachelor" franchise reunite under one roof for a second chance at love....
The story of David Hobbs, who has spent the last decade playing the perfect father on one of TV’s biggest sitcoms. But when the series ends and his wife resumes her own television career, he finds himself cast in his most challenging role to date: handling the day-to-day needs of three kids who've grown accustomed to not having him around. David soon learns that playing a dad on TV is child’s play compared to the real thing....
On September 14, 1998, a Hollywood Squares revival debuted with Tom Bergeron as its host. In addition to her production duties, Whoopi Goldberg served as the permanent center square, with series head writer Bruce Vilanch, Gilbert Gottfried, Martin Mull, and Caroline Rhea as regular panelists and Brad Garrett, Bobcat Goldthwait, Jeffrey Tambor, George Wallace, Kathy Griffin and various others as semi-regular panelists. Shadoe Stevens returned to announce, although he was not given a square on the...
Claude Casey moved up in the secretarial world of television news, from temp to the anchor's desk. After her boss hires her full time, Claude realizes she may be in over her head in this world of assistants fighting to get ahead. But Claude is determined to prove that though she may not be perfect, she's not going down without a fight....
MADtv is an American sketch comedy television series originally inspired by Mad magazine. The one-hour show aired Saturday nights on Fox....
A series of stand-up comedy specials....
Kirstie Alley's semi-autobiographical tale describes her struggles as a former television star with weight loss, getting roles, and finding love....
Texas native Jamie King is an aspiring actor who heads to Hollywood in hopes to find fame and fortune in the entertainment industry. To support himself, he works at his Aunt Helen and Uncle Junior's Los Angeles hotel, the King's Towers....
These half-hour specials showcased some of the best up-and-coming comedians of the moment. The show was a pivotal stepping stone for many of today's stand-up stars....
Gotham Comedy Club, a popular comedy venue in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, is the setting of an hourlong series that is shot in front of an audience at the club. Each episode features routines by several comics -- a list that has included such names as David Alan Grier, Gilbert Gottfried and Artie Lange -- in what the network says is an unedited and uncensored format. In addition to the big names of the field who take the Gotham stage, the show also features up-and-comers who want to m...
Gotham Comedy Club, a popular comedy venue in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, is the setting of an hourlong series that is shot in front of an audience at the club. Each episode features routines by several comics -- a list that has included such names as David Alan Grier, Gilbert Gottfried and Artie Lange -- in what the network says is an unedited and uncensored format. In addition to the big names of the field who take the Gotham stage, the show also features up-and-comers who want to m...
Sherri Shepherd, actress, comic, and Emmy Award-winning longtime co-host of "The View", appears before a live audience with a daily dose of pop culture, comedy, conversations, and daytime talk staples, including celebrity and human interest interviews;...
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child is an American anthology animated television series....
The Rosie O'Donnell Show was an American daytime television talk show hosted and produced by actress and comedian Rosie O'Donnell. It aired for six seasons from 1996 to 2002. Topics often discussed on the show include Broadway, children, extended families and charitable works, people and organizations. The show was based out of Studio 8G at NBC's Rockefeller Center studios in New York City, NY, USA and was produced and syndicated by KidRo Productions, Telepictures Productions and Warner Bros. Te...
Compelling, surprising and downright spooky — celebrities share their real-life personal encounters with the paranormal in each one-hour special. From encounters with ghosts and angry spirits to haunted homes, unexplainable spells and magic, these descriptive, first person narratives from our favorite stars delivers a brand new way of experiencing the thrills and chills of the addictive world of the paranormal....
Drew is an assistant director of personnel in a Cleveland department store and he has been stuck there for ten years. Other than fighting with co-worker Mimi, his hobbies include drinking beer and not being able to get dates. To make a few extra bucks he has a micro-brewery going in his garage with his buddies....
Two teenage siblings must save the lives of their inventor parents after a time-machine experiment goes awry and their parents become younger and younger versions of themselves....
Originally aired on TBS and taped in front of a live audience in Las Vegas, Laffapalooza boasts an all-star comedic line-up including host Tracy Morgan, best known for his current role on 30 Rock. Tracy keeps the audiences in stitches with his hilarious jokes and outlandish personality. DVD includes a bonus concert hosted by Anthony Anderson....
Panther is a semi-historic film about the origins of The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. The movie spans about 3 years (1966-68) of the Black Panther's history in Oakland. Panther also uses historical footage (B/W) to emphasize some points....
DREAMS FROM THE EDGE is a film about a young girl auditioning in Hollywood and trying to be in different productions. She’s rising and falling yet has a mother who used to be an actress. She’s negative towards her daughter and doesn’t want her to actua...
When an asteroid threatens to collide with Earth, NASA honcho Dan Truman determines the only way to stop it is to drill into its surface and detonate a nuclear bomb. This leads him to renowned driller Harry Stamper, who agrees to helm the dangerous space mission provided he can bring along his own hotshot crew. Among them is the cocksure A.J. who Harry thinks isn't good enough for his daughter, until the mission proves otherwise....
The lives of two unambitious duplex neighbors, divorced father, hot-tempered, blues-obsessed documentarian Roper and wealthy golf-playing wastrel Andy, are compared. Both have loved ones who want them to do something with their lives....
In this unearthed lost movie from 1990 that the studio deemed too terrible to release, a Vietnam Veteran Sal Bando(Sorbo), tortured by his past as a Poolboy returns home to Van Nuys, California, and a country he doesn't recognize, in which it seems only Mexicans run pool-cleaning companies. Bando sets off on a brutal mission to reclaim his "rightful" vocation and enact revenge on the man(Trejo) who killed his wife and son....
When his town's beloved football team, the Buzzards, moves out of state, diehard fan Charlie confronts the team's greedy owner. With the help of his nephew and a nervous accountant, Charlie embarks on a campaign to bring the Buzzards home....
Terry is an up and coming comedian, but believes politics will get him the big breaks and more time at the popular Dukie's Comedy Club. Just so happens that Terry is 'sleeping' with Ruby Lynn Sinclair, the wife of club owner Dukie Sinclair. What follows is a night of comedy, romance, comedy, action, comedy, and Terry achieving his initial goal: getting $67 dollars to pay his phone bil...
Dale Winton narrates a compilation of disastrous game show moments. Featuring contestants on The Million Pound Drop failing to pay attention to a question with a fortune at stake, the least successful player to appear on The Chase, the woman who broke her leg on The Krypton Factor and still finished third, Catchphrase host Nick Weir damaging his career by falling down the stairs, and the Princess Diana-themed episode of Channel 5 quiz show 100%....
Def Comedy Jam played host to some of the greatest comedians of the 1990s, many of whom went on to greater fame, due in part to the exposure they received on the program. Here, Mark Curry and Steve Harvey both show off some comic chops that that could never air on their respective network TV shows, though Harvey has shown this side of himself in Spike Lee's excellent THE ORIGINAL KINGS OF COMEDY. Rounding out the performers are Don "D.C." Curry (NEXT FRIDAY) and Arnez J. Contains two episodes....
After FBI agent Frank Lacrosse believes his son was kidnapped by a notorious serial killer, he travels to Amarillo, Texas, where he believes the murderer is in hiding. Although officially taken off the case because of its personal significance to him, Frank continues to pursue the killer, causing concern for local sheriff Buck Olmstead. When another victim pops up at a nearby car garage, Frank knows that he is as close as he'll ever be to tracking down the elusive killer....
The Shaquille O'Neal Celebrity Roast is a unique urban comedy special that combines the world of sports and entertainment. In an unconventional format, megastar Shaquilee O'Neal rounds up a dream team of some of comedy's hottest stars for an hour of non-stop laughter all at Shaq's expense. Hosted by Grammy award winner and talk show host, Queen Latifah, this hilarious program features a star-studded roster including Cedric The Entertainer, Steve Harvey, D.L. Hugley, Bill Bellamy, Jimmy Kimmel, J...
Motocrossed! is a 2001 Disney Channel Original Movie (based on the Shakespeare play Twelfth Night), about a girl named Andrea Carson who loves motocross, despite the fact that her father finds her unsuited for the sport, being that she is "just a girl". When her twin brother Andrew breaks his leg just before a big race, their father is forced to go to Europe to find a replacement rider. In the meantime, Andrea secretly races in Andrew's place with her mother's help....