"Inspector Max" is a Portuguese television series created by Virgílio Castelo e Produções Fictícias and broadcast on TVI. Its story is a dog called "Max", who is caught by Inspector Jorge Mendes' two sons (Fernando Luís). Jorge Mendes is a lonely man whose wife died when his children were still small. He works at the DIC of Setúbal, Department of Criminal Investigation, in the 1st season. The successful DIC team from Setúbal was invited to go to DECC (Special Department for Combating Crime) and ...
Pedro, Teresa, Luísa, Chico and João form a fearless group that is not complete without Faial, the German shepherd of João. Together they are prepared to face the worst, experiencing the most incredible adventures....
Morangos com Açúcar was a Portuguese Teen drama. It was broadcast daily on the Portuguese TV station TVI between 30 August 2003 to 15 September 2012. It has also been broadcast in Angola, Syria, Brazil and Romania....
Conta-me como foi (transl. Tell me how it was) is a Portuguese television drama series which has been broadcast on RTP1 of Rádio e Televisão de Portugal from 2007 to 2011 and since 2019. It recounts the experiences of a middle-class family, the Lopes (Portuguese: Os Lopes), during the last years of the Estado Novo. In February 2019, RTP announced that the series, after eight years shelved, would be renewed, with the storyline moving firmly into the 1980s. The first episode of the sixth season w...
A plot that surrounds police officers, politicians and consultants who crudely demonstrate the lines apparently hidden of the political system and public institutions....
In a city where nature has been forbidden, a small crime by a simple man triggers a chain of unexpected consequences....
1917, a beautiful apparition of Our Lady forever alters the lives of three children: Lucinda, Jacita and Francisco who lived in Villa Fatima in Portugal....
After the death of her father, the model Alix Castelac discovers that she must share the will, and the family property, with a half-sister hidden by the name of Noémie Boileau, a truck driver....
Mozambique, 1969. What was meant to be a peaceful Christmas Eve ends up badly as a group of soldiers brings home a prisoner that will be murdered. Simultaneously, the Capitan's wife arrives in surprise, bringing along a Priest, who is supposed to celebrate the mass....
Lena disappears mysteriously during the winter of 1976. This is the last stop on a journey that begins in colonial Mozambique on new year's eve at 1957 gives way to 1958. Ningo, a black boy brought up by Lena's parents, and her childhood friend, comes to Lisbon to help find her, at the request of Lena's mother. Using the letters that Lena has left behind as a testament to her life, in wich she has rebelled against the challenged the powers that be, Ningo discovers the identity of her kidnapper -...