The story revolves around a young guy who is madly in love with a girl to whom love is supreme and family is superior...
Mannat, Haya and Nayab are all close friends. Wajih, Yawer , Shayaan and Haya are siblings. Mannat is married to Shayaan. Her In-Laws are shown as quite wealthy. However, Nayab is poor. Her mother passed away and she lives with her father Ramzaan , greedy step-mother and her 2 step-sisters. The story starts when Nayab gets murdered after a rape attempt and physical violence on the night of her friend Haya's engagement....
Kaafir revolves around a girl named Izzat , who is an outspoken strong soul. On other hand Shahan, a strong and powerful channel head who considers himself a God and is a kaafir. Things take a worst turn where Shahan gets humiliated by Izzat and the latter swears revenge from her....
The Lux Style Awards is the largest award ceremony held annually in Pakistan since 2002. The awards celebrate "style" in the Pakistani entertainment industry, and it is the oldest event dedicated to cinema, television, fashion, music and film industry in Pakistan....
True Stories of Mothers from all over the country including chit chat with women on their doors, also interviews of celebrities on set, regarding their childhood and relationship with their mothers....
Beautiful, lucky, and the only daughter of her parents Tamanna is now not that lucky because her parents left her in the cruel world, forever. However, Tamanna’s maternal uncle is kind-hearted and he decides to take the girl home. But seems like the life of Tamanna is not too easy. Tamanna’s paternal grandfather was a cobbler and her maternal grandmother feels this is a dishonor for her family. On the other hand, Tamanna is her granddaughter too....
A story of two individuals from different backgrounds that unexpectedly fall in love and fight for it...
In an attempt to woo the girl he's in love with, a prosperous young man disguises himself as a kind-hearted poor man seeking employment at her father's office....
Ishrat is a first Pakistani film made in China. An Action Comedy Feature Film by 11.11 Films....
A lion decides that a new king shall take on the reins of Azad Nagar when he retires. When he retires a donkey is chosen as the king of Azad Nagar....
The film covers a story of mysterious loss of Pakistani submarine PNS Ghazi. She has participated in second and third Indo-Pakistani wars (1965 and 1971) and has been sunk in December 1971 nearby Indian coast....
A whirling durvesha from turkey fall in love with a Jogi in Pakistan, but some people don't want her to love him.They run from that place and getting end up crossing a desert with a lot of difficulties and dramatic end....