Kindred: The Embraced is an American television series produced by John Leekley Productions and Spelling Television. Loosely based on the role-playing game Vampire: The Masquerade, the series premiered on Fox on April 2, 1996, and ran for eight episodes before it was canceled on May 9, 1996. The series focused on San Francisco Police Detective Frank Kohanek who discovers his city is home to numerous vampires while investigating alleged mobster, Julian Luna. Julian is the "prince" of the city, r...
Fortune Hunter is an American weekly series show on Fox Network in 1994, starring Mark Frankel as the super-spy Carlton Dial. In the US, Fortune Hunter aired on Fox from 4 Sep 1994 to 2 Oct 1994. Of the 13 episodes produced, only five were presented to the North American audience. The decision to schedule the series immediately after football on Sundays was a factor in the dismissal of Sandy Grushow, president of Fox Entertainment, by chairman Rupert Murdoch. The show has aired in its entirety...
Based on the novels by Georges Simenon, Michael Gambon plays the eponymous detective from the Sûreté in this 1992 revival of the 1960s BBC drama series. Maigret is an intuitutive detective, who investigates his cases by watching and listening, getting to know everyone on his list of suspects until someone makes a slip or breaks down and confesses....
Roseanna is dying of a heart condition, and all she wants is to be buried next to her daughter, in a cemetery that is getting full fast. The cemetery can't expand because Capestro, the man who owns the land next to the cemetery, won't sell. While Marcello is doing good deeds to make sure no one dies, Roseanna thinks of Marcello's future....
An irreverent comedy is set in motion when Leon Geller, a sensitive Jewish boy from London, accidentally learns that his is the product of artificial insemination....
Comedy thriller notable for the remarkably un-manic and restrained performance by Rik Mayall as single parent and part-time minicab driver Toby. Trying to juggle being Dad to seven -year old daughter Annie and study whilst also working at night for taxi controller Pete is hard enough. But when one night he crosses paths with mysterious femme fatal Clair, he finds himself plunged into a wild and hazardous adventure involving exploding manor houses, vengeful lovers and a magic medieval tournament....
At the turn of the sixteenth century, Michelangelo (Mark Frankel), Raphael (Andrea Prodan), and Leonardo Da Vinci (John Glover) create their masterpieces, while dealing with religious persecution, political turmoil, and the discovery of America....