Follows the love of a Greek girl and an Albanian boy and the reactions around their relationship in a "typical" Greek village...
What Kind of Soul Will You Deliver To God Bitch? is a Greek black comedy mini-series created by Alexandros Rigas and Dimitris Apostolou which aired on Mega Channel on 2000 and lasted only 6 episodes. The series focuses on the lives of four women who want to take revenge from the man who sexually abused them when they were little girls. Despite the fact that Ti Psychi Tha Paradoseis Mori? draw extremely high ratings from its beginning, the shootings were abruptly interrupted during the producti...
Two brothers, the honest Michalis and the swindler Nontas, are forced to resort to bank robberies in order to pay off the latter's entanglements with the mafia. Michalis' love for a secret police officer, a strange couple of her colleagues and Nontas' greed will make things even more complicated....
The love of two young people from Crete brings to the fore an old story of a vendetta that separates their families....
A shy and reluctant Theology high school teacher in Thessaloniki-Greece decides to solve his erection problem by consulting a doctor for the first time after two years. The doctor just replies that the problem can be solved by R20. R20 is played fabulously by Dimitris Starovas. He is a former psychologist (now operating his father's import export meat business) that uses company trucks as moving brothels. R20 actually stands for: "Russian 20 years old" which eventually means that Lakis Lazopoulo...