Student Bodies is a syndicated television comedy program that was produced in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from 1997 to the end of 1999. While a live-action series, animations are used throughout as thoughts and imaginations. The segments are usually dark and comical. Though the show enjoyed much bigger success in Canada, the show was originally made for the American market under the distribution of 20th Television and aired on many Fox affiliated stations for one year. The show aired in Canada on ...
Dr. Bashir Hamed, a Syrian doctor with battle-tested skills in emergency medicine, makes the difficult decision to flee his country and build a new life in Canada with his younger sister Amira. Bash works to navigate a new environment after earning a coveted residency in the Emergency Department of one of the best hospitals in Toronto, York Memorial....
True story of a charming, popular American who managed to kill his mother and 3 wives before anyone even suspected him....
Joanne Kilbourn, ex-detective turned university lecturer, is still haunted by the unsolved murder of her politician husband,...
Ivy Fisher is at the top of her game; A whip-smart, devastatingly attractive upstart business owner. She is your typical thirty something, with a stalled personal life and overactive career. But during a crucial investor meeting, Ivy's body begins to fail her. Plagued with an onset of dizziness and a crippling headache, Ivy crashes. Enter Dr. Mark Ryan - a corrupt doctor ready to feed his desire for power, and Ivy is his perfect subject. This rock-hard business woman is now about to confront her...
Three stories about the world of opioids collide: a drug trafficker arranges a multi-cartel Fentanyl smuggling operation between Canada and the U.S., an architect recovering from an OxyContin addiction tracks down the truth behind her son's involvement with narcotics, and a university professor battles unexpected revelations about his research employer, a drug company with deep government influence bringing a new "non-addictive" painkiller to market....