In a past life, Xiao Jingchen, a great general, sacrificed himself in order to save Lu Bai, a fairy fox. In the modern-day, Lu Bai has tracked down the reincarnated Xiao Jingchen to watch over and protect him. Xiao Jingchen is now a college student called Xiao Mo, and he is the only one who can protect Lu Bai's clan against the evil Wolf Clan. The Wolf Clan wants to seize and obtain the power of a sacred stone, which fell on Earth thousands of years ago and has been under the protection of the F...
According to legend, one of the colorful gods in the virgins of the virgins is in the foothills of a mountain in the southern part of the Zhoushan Mountains. The genus of the genie under the virgin scorpion is sent to the lower guardian stone. The ancestors of Fox Fairy exchanged their own eternal life and the heavens to exchange the guardian enchantment of the sacred fox of the sacred fox in the millennium....