Nytt på nytt is a Norwegian version of the British comedy programme Have I Got News for You, by the production company Hat Trick Productions. The programme is aired weekly on Friday nights. The show is a competition between two panels, where one panelist is permanent, and the other is a guest. The goal is to solve several tasks. The element of competition is largely ignored in favour of the witty remarks and the banter between panelists. The scores are generally overlooked, and have only a brief...
Real estate agent Ken Olsen has seemingly got it all. A good job, a good car and a pretty wife. But he lies. A lot. When he gets exposed he has to start over, and he seeks help from his old real estate mentor Gunnar....
Eyvind Hellstrøm and Truls Svendsen embark on a culinary education trip at home and abroad....
Brille is a humor-based quiz show where some of Norways best known comedians get to work on seemingly impossible tasks and questions. The answers are often as unexpected and funny as the panel's train of thought....
Truls Svendsen & Cecilie Skog will travel the world with a lot of humour. Will they manage to reach their goal?...
Jompa Tormann is back, and everything is better, except the humor, which is even worse than in the first movie of vengeance....
Christmas Blood is a thriller-slasher about a feared serial killer, called Nissen, who has struck Norway's countryside every Christmas Eve for over 13 years. Investigators Rasch and Hansen are trying to solve the riddle before he returns. This time it appears that it is northern Norway that will face Nissen's bloodbath....