Delicious Romance follows three urban beauties whose lives reflect to varying degrees the intimacy between contemporary men and women. Among them, Liu Jing is a perfectionist food blogger who is extremely picky when it comes to finding a partner. Divorced anchor Fang Xin is troubled by love despite her outstanding looks. Xia Meng is a corporate powerhouse whose success has made her boyfriend feel insecure. These women who have experienced hardships in business, oppression in the workplace and se...
Set in the year 2035, humanoid robots that are indistinguishable from humans have raised public concerns due to their rapid advancement. The members of "Mingmou" organization, Cheng Nuo, a level-headed individual, and An Qiu, who excels in empathy, join forces to unravel the mysteries behind the continuous murders of humanoid robots. Amidst the complexities of life, the boundary between humans and humanoid robots blurs. The fate of both humans and humanoid robots is being silently rewritten......
Frequent flooding and drowning were common occurrences in Tianjin (Tientsin) in the early 1900s. But when a local shipping magnate was found drowned to death chained to a statue on the bottom of riverbed, police department's underwater recovery team captain Guo De You was their primary suspect, since he was the only one in the city who could stay underwater long enough to complete the deed. The businessman son's Ding Mao tried to prove Guo's guilt, but his own forensic discovery and another biza...
The cold CEO of a construction company Qi Xun (Gao Han Yu) can teleport as long as he sees a picture of his destination. But his superpower comes with a side effect: Every time he uses it, he gets an unbearable headache. He then approaches painter Feng Shuang Shuang (Charlene Chen) who is supposedly the only person who can cure him, and ends up falling in love with her....
A fresh grad stays in the big city to pursue her dreams. The story follows her life as an internet star and as she hits a rut, she meets a corporate executive, thus starting a sweet romance between the two. After being suddenly hit by a bag of underwear that seemingly fell out of the sky, Jiang Chu Chu started on the road to becoming an internet star where she learned the ropes in the e-commerce industry. Her journey leads her to meet Luo Tian Yi, a CEO of a famous lingerie company who grew up ...
At the beginning of 2020, the the novel corona virus epidemic broke out on a global scale. Da Zhicheng, who owns a small local hotel, is trying his best to sell the hotel that has lost money for more than half a year; graduate student Jiang Xiaotian has spent years researching robots and ventures to Han to participate in the interview; Liu Huohuo works as a precarious messenger in Wuhan. When the epidemic broke out and Wuhan was closed, the three fell into the biggest dilemma in their lives. On ...
Deng Deng (meaning “wait a little”) is born a street kitten. Knowing his siblings be adopted one by one but he was left alone, he decided to find himself a “servant” who would serve him for the rest of his life. Dengdeng then found Lu Chun Hsiang, who has a kind heart. Since then Lu and Deng Deng embarked on a journey with unimaginable human-animal communication skills. Together they solved many pets’ bizarre needs and wild behaviors such as their predatory instinct, how the pets names actually ...
HAO Shuai devoted his wealth to buy a big diamond ring to marry ZHAO Xiaolu, but after meeting HAO Shuai’s parents, ZHAO Xiaolu disappeared with the ring. CUI Dacheng, a rock OG, discovered that as long as his daughter was at home, his creative block vanished, so he tried to persuade ZHAO Xiaolu to stay with him. However, having grown up with her mother, ZHAO Xiaolu was determined to distance herself from this stranger-like father....
Yuan Shuai, a debt-ridden animal-breeder, tries to get out of his financial predicament by finding a wealthy girlfriend through matchmaking dates. He unexpectedly meets and fall in love with the fox demon, Bai Xianchu, who has arrived to the mortal realm to repay her gratitude. However, the head of the Demon tribe Yun Zhonghe forbids a love relationship between a demon and a human; and takes Bai Xianchu away. To seek his lover, Yuan Shuai bravely crashes the demonic world....
A boy lives with his cell phone, which takes him to a place every Thursday, but doesn't tell him where to go. Where are they going this Thursday?...