This TV show revolves around Oh Soon Nam, a teacher at a traditional Korean school called Jeokhyeonjae where she nurtures students’ aspirations like a friend. Soon Nam is also married to the sole descendant of a head family clan that comes with heavy responsibilities. Then tragedy strikes her. Soon Nam embarks on an investigation to punish the people behind these injustices, and finds that she must choose between revenge and values she has lived by all her life. Always thinking of loved ones, sh...
The drama tells the love story of a couple who has been married already for 3 years. The couple is still in love but they choose to separate after their past lovers approach them....
Everything seems to be going right for young Sung-Bin. He's got looks, money, a good job, and a beautiful fiancee. Only one thing is missing: he can't satisfy his wife in bed. He then sets out to master all things sex so he can return home and please her....
Everything seems to be going right for young Sung-Bin. He's got looks, money, a good job, and a beautiful fiancee. Only one thing is missing: he can't satisfy his wife in bed. He then sets out to master all things sex so he can return home and please her....