Home and Away is set in the fictional town of Summer Bay, a coastal town in New South Wales, and follows the personal and professional lives of the people living in the area. The show initially focused on the Fletcher family, Pippa and Tom Fletcher and their five foster children Frank Morgan, Carly Morris, Steven Matheson, Lynn Davenport and Sally Keating, who would go on to become one of the show's longest-running characters. The show also originally and currently focuses on the Stewart family....
Cops L.A.C. is a 2010 Australian television police drama, which screened on the Nine Network. The series followed the work of officers at the Seaview Local Area Command, a fictitious police response area of the 'State Police' set in harbourside Sydney, New South Wales. The first series premiered on 2 September 2010, in the same timeslot of Network Ten's police drama Rush. On 22 November 2010, the Nine Network cancelled the show due to the high production costs....
Ted McCabe, a retired cop, and Lennie Cahill a retired crim, get together to solve crimes, unravel scams and make some cash, while avoiding the wrath of the police and the underworld....
Follow aspiring Iraqi-Australian boxing trainer Amirah Al-Amir who has idolised her world champion father Sami her entire life. While working in the family gym in Sydney's west alongside her two brothers, Amirah negotiates a professional debut match for her hardnosed fighter Jess O'Connor with Sami's long-time promoter Strick. Furious that she has done this behind his back, her father threatens to cut her off. Desperate to chase her dream of transforming women's boxing, will Amirah choose her fi...
When a dark secret from this past threatens to be exposed, unorthodox and brilliant medical examiner, Doctor Daniel Harrow, must use all his forensic skills to keep it buried forever....
The story involves an Australian platoon in the Afghanistan war, forced to come home following the death of their leader. A murder mystery involving the now deceased Captain Ted Nordenfelt ensues....
Ex-con Cal McTeer's return to her hometown of Orphelin Bay blows the lid off a generations-long conspiracy of silence around murder, drugs and Sirens....
When history teacher Matt Bashir is promoted to Principal of a notoriously violent Boys' school in Sydney's south-west, his radical approach brings him into conflict and leaves his personal life dangerously exposed. But just when he seems to be making progress, a 17-year-old student is found dead on school grounds....
An artist loses himself in parallel dimensions after he suffers a mental breakdown when his wife leaves him for another man....
On Australia's most controversial national holiday, the lives of three Australians from diverse cultural backgrounds will collide, illuminating contemporary issues of racial tension and national identity that simmer beneath the surface of modern Australia....
Six years on and John is still haunted by the death of his younger brother. The choices he faces will push him to the edge like never before....