Toda una dama is a successful Venezuelan telenovela produced and broadcast on RCTV International in 2007. The telenovela is a remake of Señora, an original story written by renowned telenovela author José Ignacio Cabrujas. This new verison was adapred by Iris Dubs and starred Christina Dieckmann and Ricardo Álamo as the main protagonists with Nohely Arteaga starred as the main antagonist....
Virgen de la Calle is a 2013 Spanish-language telenovela that was produced by RTI Producciones and Televisa for United States-based television network UniMás and Venezuela-based television network RCTV. It is a remake of Juana la virgen, a Venezuelan telenovela produced for RCTV. María Gabriela de Farías and Juan Pablo Llano will star as the protagonists....
Five siblings living in modern day Houston, TX must learn to survive after their father dies and their mother is deported back to Mexico. All the while surviving in the shadow of the American dream and harsh realities of the city....