Toda una dama is a successful Venezuelan telenovela produced and broadcast on RCTV International in 2007. The telenovela is a remake of Señora, an original story written by renowned telenovela author José Ignacio Cabrujas. This new verison was adapred by Iris Dubs and starred Christina Dieckmann and Ricardo Álamo as the main protagonists with Nohely Arteaga starred as the main antagonist....
Carita Pintada is a Venezuelan telenovela that was produced by and broadcast on Venezuela's Radio Caracas Televisión. It was written by Valentina Párraga, Germán Aponte, Irene Calcaño and Romano Rodríguez, and directed by Yuri Delgado and Luis Enrique Díaz. The series lasted 126 episodes and was distributed internationally by RCTV International....
La Mujer de Judas or The Wife of Judas is a telenovela produced by RCTV in Venezuela in 2002. Astrid Carolina Herrera, Chantal Baudaux, Juan Carlos Garcia are playing the main characters and it was directed and created by Martin Hahn. It consists of 126 episodes....