Tells the story of the quartet formed by a friendly and bankrupt ex-football player, a rich and snobby surgeon, a powerful and arrogant executive and a scammer with a heart of stone. They are victims of a plane crash on the same day they met each other and end up dying. When they meet Death, they are told that their time to go has not yet come and that they must return to life to deal with their personal issues. However, Death warns that, in a year, one of them will actually die and the four dec...
2029. In Brazil, poor and black children are marked at birth with an ankle bracelet and have their lives traced because it is assumed that they will, sooner or later, go into crime....
Berenice is a dedicated female taxi driver in Rio de Janeiro. She is consumed by her job and the little free time she has needs to be divided between raising her son Thiago, a teenager exploring his sexuality, and her troubled relationship with her husband Domingos, a police reporter. The scars of the worn-out relationship, ruined by her husband's violent outbursts, have erased her femininity and led her into a great existential emptiness. The murder of Isabelle, a beautiful transgender woman, o...