The post-apocalyptic misadventures of Rafe and Gabe Burns, two brothers who are hired to become protectors of their rural hometown. Unbeknownst to them, their long-lost mother Judith is locked in a secret military super bunker. As Judith tries to outwit the super bunker’s sentient computer system and get back to her sons, Rafe and Gabe discover the wonders, horrors, and temptations of the wasteland....
Presented in the form of a large live set, the hosts enlightening interviews with personalities from all walks of life who have made their mark in the news....
Each day, Jean-Philippe Wauthier welcomes guests on the show in warm, friendly setting. His interviews focus on their newsworthy achievements but also, and most importantly, on their passions, interests and opinions....
Broadcast on December 31st, Bye Bye is a comic year-in-review which consists of sketches that parody the political, cultural and social events of the past year....
Les années MusiquePlus is a web series where we discover the history of the legendary channel through its former VJs....
“Au suivant!” hosted by Stephane Bellavance, is a quiz show about general culture that highlights the competitors’ lively personalities. In this format, there isn’t just one contestant, but a whole line-up - competing for the same goal. They want to join the host on the game dot (on stage). The host asks the first contestant four questions. He or she must answer at least three out of four questions correctly or the next contestant is called up to the dot. Nature, history, music, sports, geograph...
The high-profile case of serial killer Ludovic Chevalier has just gone to trial, and Kelly-Anne is obsessed. When reality blurs with her morbid fantasies, she goes down a dark path to seek the final piece of the case’s puzzle....
Janette Bertrand will soon celebrate her 100th birthday. This intimate documentary, dotted with archives, pays tribute to this great lady, who devoted her life to providing popular education and breaking taboos. Through her daily life as a nearly century-old woman, Janette takes stock of her career....