The original is an impressive sports manga featuring not heroes, but common boys, and the story depicts the growth of Sumiya 2 junior high school baseball team (the successive captains and players) in downtown Tokyo. Takao Taniguchi, who was a substitute player of the second team of Aoba Gakuin, a prestigious junior high school in the baseball world, but he transferred to Sumiya 2 and he became the captain of the baseball club. After steady training, the team try to do a final game in the region...
An omnibus horror TV special where three girls encounter a beautiful rose patterned yellow one-piece dress which curses them as they try to gain the attention of a man they like in their lives....
In the new Calendar Year of 392, in Neo-Tokyo, a young man, Agino Jiro, steals a time synchronization system and tries to escape to the past. The authorities give chase and damage his ship in the pursuit, forcing him to land in modern day Tokyo, Determined, he breaks into a van and attaches the device, recklessly kidnapping Nobucho, Shinichi, Teko and their teacher, Hokubei. Their initial resistance force lands them in Tokyo on March 9th 1945, during the US bombing campaign. Escaping again to th...