Fuoriclasse is an Italian television series, directed by Riccardo Donna, filmed in 2011, starring Luciana Littizzetto, based on the books by Domenico Starnone. The synopsis of the miniseries is similar to the story of the film La scuola, scripted always by Starnone....
Senator Merlin's battle for the abolition of houses of ill repute, told by the prostitute Maddalena through a letter. A story of redemption and female self-determination, in a historical context reconstructed with skill and accuracy....
As a major criminal investigation tries to stem the flow of corruption, Italy is poised on the brink of collapse....
Rome, 30 April 1993. A crowd throws coins at Italian politician Bettino Craxi - as if the Civil War has begun. Be quick if you want a place in the new system. Now, it's every man for himself. 1993 is the last chance to set up the Second Republic. Everyone fights their own battles....
The efforts of a special paramilitary anti-terrorism unit set up in the 1970s by a high-ranking police official, Gen. Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa....
On the night before his retirement, police lieutenant Franco Amore is called to investigate the death of a long-time partner of his in a diamond heist in which he was involved....
Christian is an extremely talented as well as unpredictable football player. After his latest screw-up, the president of his team decides to assign him a personal tutor, to help him in controlling his temper. Valerio is a shy and solitary professor, the exact opposite of the champion. Sparks will fly between the two at first, but soon their relationship will change both for the better....
On July 19–21, 2001, over 200,000 people took to the streets of Genoa to protest against the ongoing G8 summit. Anti-globalization activists clashed with the police, with 23-year-old protester Carlo Giuliani shot dead after confronting a police vehicle. In the aftermath, the police organized a night raid on the Diaz high school, where around a hundred people between unarmed protesters—mostly students—and independent reporters who documented the police brutality during the protests had took shelt...
Margherita, a director in the middle of an existential crisis, has to deal with the inevitable and still unacceptable loss of her mother....
Claudia and Flavio were once passionately in love, but all of that is over. Now, in their fifties, they must venture anew into the world of love and dating once more but for Claudia confronting the end and accepting a new beginning isn’t so easy. Claudia is unwilling to let go and forget the life she’s built with Flavio, while Flavio, eager to move on, soon finds himself in a relationship with a much younger woman. Claudia soon reconnects with Nina, a student from her days as a professor....
Easy Living is a melancholic coming of age comedy, in which the dramatic, contemporary reality of the migrants is filtered through the eyes of a kid and turned into an adventure....
Giuseppe is a boy who lacks his left hand. But when he meets the beautiful Viola, Giuseppe hides his condition, even pretending to be a pianist....