Law of the Jungle is a hybrid reality show combining elements of drama and documentary. The show is hosted by comedian Kim Byung Man, and each episode invites various celebrities from the various field. So far, many of idol stars and famous actors have appeared on the show. The show introduces viewers to exotic locations around the world where celebrities must work together in order to complete missions and survive. The cast celebrities travel to less habituated, natural places to survive on the...
celebrities create bonds with strangers through conversations on the phone. The celebrities create friendships with the strangers by revealing their inner secrets, dreams and worries....
The Call is a special collaboration project created by the producers of 'I Can See Your Voice'. 'The Call' aims to create legendary collaboration with top artists of Korea. Singers will be sending love calls to their desired collaboration partner and produce a new song together. Various artists of all genres including hip-hop, indie, pop, and more are expected to take part in the project...
The global competition show where top-tier athletes compete in crazy obstacles for money....
celebrities create bonds with strangers through conversations on the phone. The celebrities create friendships with the strangers by revealing their inner secrets, dreams and worries....
Male celebs play make-believe as high schoolers, welcoming star transfer students every week and engaging in battles of witty humor and slapstick....
Idols who failed to impress the audience after their debut are given another chance to be back on stage in The Unit. Korean top producers will give them a chance to shine in a brand new unit with new members, concepts and content....
A drama about a geeky girl that turned out to be beautiful. She will be helped by the 6 male lead actors....
Baek Jong-won, whose sharp business acumen and cooking mastery earned him a nickname 'the chef with golden hand,' is here to revive failing restaurants. Owners who bear Master Baek’s harsh criticism and take his advice will make their business fail proof!...
You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook is a Korean pop music program that is both a talk show and live music show. The host of this program is You Hee-yeol, also known as Toy, a one-man project band. This program has aired since April 24, 2009....
A group of hungry celebrities listen to poppin’ tunes, from recent hits to all-time-favorites, to correctly dictate a part of the lyrics. The songs may sound familiar, but the part they must dictate are unclear to the naked ear, as the lyrics are slurred, muffled by strong beats, etc. If they get the lyrics right, they get to share exquisite regional dishes. But if they get them wrong, a professional eater gobbles it up instead....
Korea's version of the late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show. The show's comedy sketches, which parody contemporary culture and politics, are performed by a large and varying cast of repertory cast members....
As more and more people are getting used to eating dinner alone, Kang Ho-dong and Lee Kyung-kyu visit ordinary Korean families at dinner time and share their lives as they eat dinner together....
There will be different scenarios for the cast members to go through, but there is a rule that they have to follow without fail: they are not allowed to laugh throughout. For every time a cast member laughs, ₩10,000 will be deducted instantly from his appearance fee, and get wet from his head by water coming out from the water backpack that each cast member will carry throughout. At the end of each scenario, the cast member with the least amount of money deducted will have his appearance fee pai...
A reality and competition show where members are joined by celebs to complete a weekly mission to win the race with Seoul as the beautiful backdrop....
The music show filled with mysteries and shocking moments is back! Guest celebrities must correctly guess a real singer, based on appearance and a few hints only, among the group of people who are pretending to be a singer. A fake singer who last till the end gets 5000 dollars whereas a real singer who survives gets a precious opportunity to have their own album released....
It can be a badge of honor to be “single.” “I Live Alone” is a documentary-style South Korean reality series that follows the members of a self-formed club called Rainbow, which is comprised of celebrities who are single and live alone....