Yo Amo a Juan Querendón is a Mexican telenovela that aired on Univision at 7pm/6c for one year beginning in February 2007. The plot surrounded the story of Juan Dominguez and his interactions with the Cachon Family. The program was a remake of Pedro El Escamoso, a Colombian telenovela....
La Mujer Del Vendaval is a 2012 Mexican telenovela produced by Mapat L. de Zatarain for Televisa. It is a remake of the Venezuelan telenovela Un Esposo para Estela. Ariadne Díaz and José Ron star as the main protagonists, while Chantal Andere, Marco Muñoz, Manuel Flaco Ibañez and Florencia del Saracho as the main antagonists....
Mar de Amor is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by Nathalie Lartilleux with protagonists Zuria Vega, Mario Cimarro and Mariana Seoane and antagonists Ninel Conde, Marcelo Córdoba and Manuel Landeta. This is a remake of the 1978 Venezuelan telenovela María del Mar....