The tragic yet hopeful story of Fanny, a young teen from a good suburban home whose life spirals out of control when she falls for a manipulative and abusive man....
Maude, Jennifer, Melanie, Vincent, and Sami navigate adolescence and the ups and downs of high school in a changing digital world amid the emergence of social media. The group gathers their talents and passions around the common project of revitalizing the student newspaper, with a goal toward changing the world. Brimming with optimism and fraught with anxiety, with a lot of laughs along the way the teens learn a lot about themselves as they explore relationships, commitment, and what it's like...
Charles, Louis, and Guillaume are three friends who live together as roommates in the same house, where they spend all of their free time still playing the same Farador campaign they began as teenagers; their other friend Paul has recently moved out of the house and abandoned the game to live with his girlfriend. When Charles's sister Kim, who has recently broken up with her longtime Belgian boyfriend Tom after realizing that she might be a lesbian, moves into Paul's vacated room, her presence, ...
In the early 2000s, following her return from a long stay abroad, Amélie invites her friends, Maude and Pascale, to a cottage. In a disturbing and isolated forest, Amélie tries to reconnect with her friend Maude, while the rivalry between her and Pascale takes a dark turn....