The show is inspired by the famous humorous column 'Duniya Ne Undha Chasma' written by the eminent Gujarati writer Mr. Tarak Mehta. This story evolves around happenings in "Gokuldham Co-operative Society" and covers topical issues which are socially relevant....
Fancy Aunty, a wedding planner and the owner of a marriage hall encounters a group of aliens from Jupiter who are on a mission and hires them as her assistants....
The story revolves between two youngsters who are at the age of getting married. The girl seeks to meet the boy with a wish of a denial. On the other end boy with positive mindset without revealing his original identity....
Welcome to the world of Kehvatlal Parivar to experience drama, love, and togetherness. When there is unlimited madness in the house, this Parivar is all set to deliver delightful moments that can make laugh and cry....
Getting selected in final 8 teams of a reality show specially for entrepreneurs, Varun an unaware over thinker , seeks to win the show to prove his unique start up idea's worth to his father by solving civil war amongst his best friend/business partners and saving them from fear of failure, confusion, insecurity and negative thinking,with help of Dadu, while unknowingly tackling a traitor amongst his team....
The generation gap between a 56-year-old father and an 18-year-old son results in misunderstanding, distance, and tension between them. A family entertainer, Pappa Tamne Nahi Samjaay has the right balance of comedy and drama, featuring the emotional bond the two protagonists share....
Amidst strictly enforced curfew by Bombay Police during December 1992 following Hindu-Muslim riots, Suryakant - one of four siblings from Malad's Malvani slums, heads home....