A documentary competition show that chronicles the lives of riders competing in the high-stakes sport of horse reining. The contenders are determined to elevate and preserve the cowboy tradition as they guide horses through precise patterns of circles, spins and stops. Run for a Million serves as the culmination of the series, where the riders compete for a $1 million purse....
A look ahead at the cataclysmic events that could extinguish the human race....
A series that explores secret societies, mysterious symbols and notorious locations....
Uncovering the secrets of the most secret of secret societies, the Freemasons, who are intertwined with American history....
Plunge into the Pacific with researchers and cinematographers and see the ocean’s rare and dazzling creatures in a way never before seen on television. The show examines an ocean that covers a third of the Earth’s surface....
The 17,000 islands that comprise the nation of Indonesia stretch more than 3,000 miles along the equator, bridging Asia and Australasia. Indonesia’s natural habitats vary widely. On some islands, tropical forests climb from steamy lowlands to mountain slopes. On others, parched savannah thrives. Coral reefs line thousands of tranquil atolls, while relentless waves batter rocky cliffs on other shores. In Papua, the mountains reach so high that permanent ice caps top their peaks, surrounded by bar...
Two teams of experts go to extraordinary lengths to take shark science into the wild as they investigate two of the most iconic shark superpowers - speed and bite force....
A Tubi original documentary that delves deeply into one of the most famous and exploited hauntings in the United States....
For years, the smaller, unremarkable-looking bull shark has come in third behind the great white and tiger sharks when it comes to deadly attacks on humans. But as climate change warms the world's waters, and its territory begins to spread, the bull shark enters the ring to prove its worth and leave with the title of the world's most dangerous shark....
All across YouTube, viral videos abound of great whites and other sharks attacking boats with a ferocity and anger that has never been seen before. The question is, why? Is this simply a case of more people having cameras to video the behavior, or is something else happening? Dr. Mike Heithaus and Ph.D. candidate Sara Casareto set out to investigate what’s causing this clash between sharks and boats....
Around the world, crocs and gators are moving out to sea and deep into shark territory. With reports of clashes on the rise, scientists are sending cameras to investigate what happens when two of the deadliest predators on the planet match bites! Biologist and host Mike Heithaus investigates whether these predators are facing off more often than we realize and who comes out on top when they do....
Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and extreme weather. Has Earth always been this way? Featuring footage of top geologic hot spots on every continent, the film traces the scientifically-based story of the 4.5 billion-year-old Earth, from the core to the crust and up into the atmosphere....
In the darkest days of World War II, St. Peter's was shrouded in the shadow of the swastika. But even as the Führer surrounded him, the Pope was plotting a secret counter-offensive. Wartime Pontiff Pius XII has been derided for his public silence about the Holocaust. But evidence suggests his silence may have been subterfuge....
The discovery of Gobekli Tepe 20 years ago changed our understanding of the history of humankind. Now, newly-discovered skull carvings reveal even more about how and why civilized societies developed....
Shark scientist Dr. Michael Heithaus embarks on a mission to reveal the mysterious connection between sharks and volcanoes....
In the mountains of Peru, an environmental scientist discovers ancient artifacts submerged beneath the headwaters of the Amazon; his findings could save this sacred landscape from mining devastation....
The world's leading scientists and cinematographers relive 5 extraordinary shark feeding events. From being surrounded at night by 700 grey reek sharks, a 300-strong gathering of blacktip, dusky and bronze sharks feeding on thousands of bait fish, to the spectacular sight of more than 200 blue sharks feeding on the carcass of a seven ton whale; the Great Shark Chow Down is an epic celebration of sharks from around the world....
Discover what happens when two of the deadliest predators face each other....