Fifteen-year-old Wendy lives at Lindentree, a riding school and horse stud, with her parents Charles and Helen. Mad about horses and fiercely devoted to family and friends, Wendy's life primarily revolves around winning a place on the national junior show jumping team, and saving Lindentree from outside forces....
Carlos has failed in show-biz and currently works as a waiter in a Mexican restaurant. There he meets Alex and dumb footballer Bruce celebrating their engagement with her parents. Alex' father is less than thrilled of her fiancée and says he'd rather accept anybody else. Eventually Alex hires Carlos to present him as her new fiancée....
Fed up with the materialism of Christmas, Santa runs away to New Zealand for a summer holiday. When two Kiwi kids figure out who he is, they have to find a way to get him back to the North Pole in time for Christmas....