Asian Treasures is an action-adventure Philippine drama aired and produced by GMA Network starred by Angel Locsin and Robin Padilla, and was directed by Eric Quizon. This show is all about Asian History. It was the first Philippine drama shot in multiple countries such as Mongolia, Thailand and China. Its pilot episode, which garnered a 41.8% rating, aired on January 15, 2007. It was the most expensive TV series ever produced in the Philippine television costing more than 140 million pesos, ro...
Totoy Bato is a boxing-themed Philippine drama from GMA Network, based on the graphic novel created by Carlo J. Caparas, that depicts the remarkable story of an ordinary person named Totoy Magtanggol, played by Robin Padilla, becoming a skillful boxer and conquering injustice with bravery and compassion. The series premiered on February 23. This is considered to be the first Indie Television Show for Robin's own crew in the production and blocking the powers of the management to control the show...
Koreana or Jenna is a Filipino drama television series produced by GMA Network. It stars Kris Bernal, Saab Magalona, Steven Silva and Rocco Nacino. This series is directed by Gil Tejada, Jr. and premiered October 11, 2010 on GMA Haponalo block. The show also broadcast internationally through GMA Pinoy TV and premiered three days later, October 14, 2010, from the original airdate. The show concluded on February 25, 2011, comprising a total of one hundred episodes. On May 29, 2013 GMA Life TV airs...
LaLola is a Philippine romantic Comedy produced and distributed by GMA Network. It is an adaptation of an Argentine TV series of the same title. The series premiered on October 13, 2008 starring Rhian Ramos and JC de Vera with Marvin Agustin, Wendell Ramos, Lovi Poe and Angelika dela Cruz . Its last episode was aired on February 6, 2009. It was re-aired on GMA Life TV from February 28, 2011 to June 24, 2011....
Legacy is Filipino drama series created by Dode Cruz, written by Denoy Navarro-Punio, under the directions of Jay Altarejos and Andoy Ranay, and produced and aired by GMA Network. The series premiered on January 16, 2012, replacing the epic series Amaya on GMA Telebabad block and January 18, 2012 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series features a star-studded cast headed by actresses Heart Evangelista, Lovi Poe and Alessandra de Rossi as the major characters of the story. With them are Sid Lucer...
Iglot is a Philippine television drama series created by GMA Network. It premiered on GMA Telebabad and GMA Pinoy TV on August 29, 2011 and August 31, 2011, respectively. The shows stars Claudine Barretto, Marvin Agustin, Jolina Magdangal, Luis Alandy, Patrick Garcia, Pauleen Luna, and newcomer Milkcah Wynne Nacion....
Joaquin Bordado is a Philippine drama-action series produced by GMA Network. It is a television adaptation of a famous comics serial of Carlo J. Caparas. It features Robin Padilla in the title role, with Iza Calzado, Ian Veneracion and Eddie Garcia. The series premiered February 11, 2008 and concluded on July 11, 2008....
Ador is a well known and respected CIDG Police Official, with a loving family as his support. Cardo, on the other hand, loves the solitude of the mountains in the province as a SAF Trooper. Their lives take a sudden turn when Ador gets himself entangled in a syndicate by being betrayed by one of his own colleagues, resulting to his death. To conceal this fact, Cardo was ordered to pretend to be Ador and finish the mission what his brother left behind. He will also be force to pretend to his brot...
Babaeng Hampaslupa is a soap opera aired in Philippines by TV5 and starred by Susan Roces along with Alice Dixson and Alex Gonzaga and is directed by Eric Quizon and Joyce Bernal. The timeslot was changed through the April Season to 9pm the original time the Series was normally shown was 8:30pm and moved up to 9:00-9:30pm after its Primetime Suspense Series Mga Nagbabagang Bulaklak on its Primetime block....
Darna is a 2005 drama fantasy action television series based on the Mars Ravelo's fictional character of the same name and a loose adaptation of the 2003 Mars Ravelo's Darna Miniseries by Mango Comics. It aired on Philippine television on GMA and starred top actress Angel Locsin as the iconic superheroine. It premiered in Filipino homes on April 4, 2005 and ended on November 25, 2005. The official title of the series is Mars Ravelo's Darna....
Rod Santiago's The Sisters is the first TV adaptation of the classic Pinoy comic series written by Rod Santiago, which is the third dramaserye aired in Philippines by TV5 and starred by Nadine Samonte along with Leandro Muñoz and is directed by Joyce Bernal and Argel Joseph. The show marks Nadine Samonte's first project in TV5....
Majika is a Filipino fantasy-themed television series about wizards, known as Salamangka, that inhabit the world of Saladin, where magic is the way of life. The series was produced by GMA Network. It first aired on March 20, 2006 and officially ended on September 29, 2006. The cast was led by Dennis Trillo as Argo & Angel Locsin as Sabina. The series was successfully aired worldwide, with a three-week delay on GMA Pinoy TV....
Kung Mawawala Ka was an award-winning epic political thriller and love story Philippine drama produced by GMA Network and directed by Joel Lamangan, in his first TV series. It re-aired internationally on GMA Pinoy TV and recently on GMA Life TV....
Private detective Cassie Dewell partners with ex-cop Jenny Hoyt on a search for two sisters who have been kidnapped by a truck driver on a remote highway in Montana. When they discover that these are not the only girls who have disappeared in the area, they must race against the clock to stop the perpetrator before another woman is taken....
Ador is a well known and respected CIDG Police Official, with a loving family as his support. Cardo, on the other hand, loves the solitude of the mountains in the province as a SAF Trooper. Their lives take a sudden turn when Ador gets himself entangled in a syndicate by being betrayed by one of his own colleagues, resulting to his death. To conceal this fact, Cardo was ordered to pretend to be Ador and finish the mission what his brother left behind. He will also be force to pretend to his brot...
Suddenly Susan is an American television sitcom. Shields plays Susan Keane, a glamorous San Francisco magazine writer who begins to adjust to being single, and who learns to be independent-minded, after being taken care of all her life....
Pacific Blue is an American crime drama series about a team of police officers with the Santa Monica Police Department who patrolled its beaches on bicycles. The show ran for five seasons on the USA Network, from March 2, 1996 to April 9, 2000, with a total of one hundred and one episodes. Often compared as "Baywatch on bikes," the series enjoyed a popular run among the Network's viewers, and was popular in France, Israel, Sweden, Bulgaria, Norway, Spain, Russia, Austria, Germany, Italy, South A...
A funny poignant film about an Ilocana maiden....
Teresa is pregnant by her rich boyfriend Edwin. However, Edwin is sent away to manage their provincial plant by his father Don Lauro to stop the impending unsuitable match....
Joey, a resident of a Manila slum, is a GI baby. He doesn't know his American father. His mother, an ex-prostitute in Olongapo City, is forcing the 17-year-old boy to capitalize on his good looks and bluntly tells him to marry a rich girl so that both mother and son will have a comfortable life, an idea he detests and becomes the object of conflict between them....
A 1988 Filipino romantic drama directed by Emmanuel H. Borlaza....
An auto mechanic who believes in honest hard work is the illegitimate son of a rich man. He proves to be better than his father's legitimate children....
Mario seeks justice and hunts those who endanger his loved ones in an action-packed adventure filled with twists....
The .45 caliber gun becomes a hero's instrument for justice....
A 1977 Filipino drama by Danny L. Zialcita....
A 1958 Filipino fantasy film with four stories from the original "Mga Kuwento ni Lola Basyang" by Severino Reyes....
Rivals in the piggery business play dirty tricks against each other....
A group of guerrillas kidnap a group of young girls, daughters of millionaires, on the paradise Island of Pearls. Despite their various attempts, they are unable to escape and will have to wait for their parents to pay the ransom or for a specialized group of army commandos to free them....
A 1959 Filipino action drama starring Mario Montenegro and Lolita Rodriguez....
When two troublemaking female prisoners (one a revolutionary, the other a former harem-girl) can't seem to get along, they are chained together and extradited for safekeeping. The women, still chained together, stumble, stab, and cat-fight their way across the wilderness, igniting a bloody shootout between gangsters and a group of revolutionaries....
In his numerous incarnations, Pedro Penduko is an ordinary human being with no superpowers. He is, however, resourceful and quick-witted in battling evil forces. He is aided by a magical amulet....
A young man achieves success as a singer, affecting everyone around him....
A woman gets sold by her mother to predatory men....
After arguing with their playboy father, teenage sisters Amy, Susie and Tessie decide it's time to become independent women. Once the girls realize they can support themselves, they open the door to a whole new world of adventure....
Based on Orlando Nadre's screenplay and follows the different lives of the people working in a shoe store in downtown Manila....
The explosive story behind the girls of today's front pages....
A 1983 Filipino sex comedy starring Eddie Garcia....
A 1962 Filipino action drama starring Vic Vargas and Lolita Rodriguez....
A cyclist aims to win a championship trophy for his son separated from his rich mother....
A one-of-a-kind legacy project produced by TBA Studios, Habambuhay is a homage to the centennial anniversary of Philippine cinema–an insightfully entertaining documentary series, revisiting the personal experiences of those who work in front of or behind the cameras, those who have shaped the film industry of the Philippines for the longest time....
A mad scientist creates a monster, but after its head is cut off, he keeps it alive in a serum he has invented....
Two teenagers gatecrash a movie studio to see their idols who promised to choose them as their next leading lady....
Earthly love or the love of god? which must one choose in order to live in his shadow?...
A story about poor man who met a rich woman and her wooer which he bested in a fight. That fight led the poor mans parents to be mistreated and killed. After being ambushed and scarred by the wooer he flees and meet someone who would change his life....
About a childless couple for 20 years, Don Ramon and Carmen. Carmen often goes to church praying hoping that they would have a child. After 20 years, Carmen had not only one but twins Lita and Nita. Lita grew up to be liberated while Nita was the conservative type....
A 1950 Filipino film starring Oscar Moreno and Lillian Leonardo....
Adaptation of a popular serial from Hiwaga Komiks....
Satan saves Joseph Ashley from death on the condition that he become his disciple (and, as it turns out, a hairy murderous beast)....
A comedy about a fumbling house detective who tries to snare five, sexy young girls in a crazy merry-go-round involving murder and seduction....
A middle-aged married woman falls madly in love with a young painter half her age....
Siblings discover that their father has their vampire mother chained up in the cellar. The mother bites her son and soon everyone in the community is either dead or a vampire....
The Jefferson’s honeymoon night in Hong Kong will be troubled by a number of people wishing to get hold of a Bouddha statuette that the husband offered her when window-shopping that day. When the going gets rough, it helps that Cal Jefferson is a top American boxer....
Three macho middle-aged men claim that their interest in sex and romance has not diminished a bit....
Seven effeminate brothers are forcibly enlisted by their father in the army to straighten them up and turn them into real men....
The greatest, longest, most expensive film produced in the film history of the Philippines. Five segments with an all-star cast, directed by five directors with a running time of 3 hours and 20 minutes....
A young man assumes leadership of his tribe by virtue of his courage and bravery....
A young woman hopes to find redemption from a sinful past in the arms of an elderly but genuinely caring lover....
A gunslinger was tasked by an antique collector to find a missing treasure, on his way he meets 6 more gunslingers to help him on the task but as they arrived at the town where the treasure was buried, they are mistaken for military aid....
For love is our anthem, our dream and golden flame - to make beautiful tomorrows as we burn yesterday's sorrows....
The Story of a People's Enduring Hope...In a Portrait of Blood and Tears Where the Brave Fought and Fell - and the Ruthless Died in Shame....
A 1978 drama starring Lorna Tolentino, Eddie Garcia, and Amy Austria....
Andres Manambit was a law enforcer who faced numerous attempts on his life by illegal loggers after he thwarted their efforts to bribe him. When they failed to kill him, they targeted his family instead....
A story about the daughter of a department store owner who goes undercover to unravel the mystery of why the department store is failing....
Rave and Ecstasy! A cult film waiting to happen! written and directed by Shooba-Doo (who also co-stars as a drug lord); with Anne Betancourt, Ray Oriel, Eddie Garcia, Shawn Alex Thompson, Gina Philips and Keri Jo Chapman; a street-smart (but often laughable and self-righteous) exploitation movie in the fine tradition of MARIJUANA; a dancer uses tainted drugs to seduced, rape and kill young females in underground rave clubs...
The boldest man-trap ever to be set up!...
Kurdapya is an ugly girl with crook teeth and is in love with a muscular handsome man. Unknown to her, she has a twin sister who is exactly opposite her beautiful woman with very long silky hair....
Biography action film of the late Gaudencio "Boy" M. Cordora; chief inspector of the Philippine National Police....
A film that depicts the radio talent search program on DZBB-AM "Tawag ng Tanghalan" which originated in the 1950s....
A story about a man who falls in love with a girl but unecpectly dies in an accident....
a true to life story of Meliton Geronimo: Nicknamed "Mayor Latigo (Lit.: Mayor Whip)"...
A neglected and unloved orphan raised by poor relatives in the slums of Manila is wrongfully convicted of murder that resulted from a heist he was compelled to join. Unable to prove his innocence and his minor age, he is thrown into the cruel, perilous and horrifying world of death row where he is introduced to other inmates all awaiting their execution by lethal injection. One of them is a 70-year-old man who detests the jungle of jail and is feared by all the convicts. He would serve as the bo...
Muslims and Christians clash in this thoughtful Filipino war movie. Kiram Sali and his Muslim rebels launch a series of attacks on the army but his brother Omar would just rather see his country in peace. Following the rebel's murder of Army General Basco, holy war follows. Omar turns to violence and ends up in a showdown with General Basco's best man Captain Reyes....
Bankruptcy drove Don Ramon to commit suicide leaving nothing to the family his wife, Rosa, and four children, Carmen, Gloria, Lolita, and Bobby. Carmen, the eldest, filled the gap left by her father and swore to send her siblings to school....
A stage mother drives her younger son to his ‘stardoom’ to make up for her downward slide from her bourgeois origins....
A re-telling of Artemio Ricarte, a Filipino patriot who fought against the Spanish and later Americans. He was later supported by the Japanese during WWII. Nickname was "El Vibora" (the Viper)....
Blinded mad by jealousy over the close friendship between his wife and buddy, a man masterminds his own son's kidnapping to test the suspected lovers' reaction to it. He realizes, however, that his trusted accomplice has other plans....
Fragile as a teardrop - Powerful as a God-given Right....
Six beautiful people caught in a deluge of their own raw passions unleashed....
A woman recently separated from her politician husband has an affair with a male friend....
A love triangle involving a young woman, her elderly husband and the husband's illegitimate brother. Tears, recriminations and bloodshed characterize this moving tale....
A former soldier lays down his gun after the war and comes home only to find his hometown in shambles as a result of the conflict that he thought by the war that he fought. He takes up arms again to restore order in his town....
Galvez seeking for justice....
Centering on a hedonistic woman’s escapades throughout the urban landscape of Manila....
A comedy film starring Seiko Films' top young love team....
A 1979 film by Maria Saret....
"A young girl's rude awakening to violence in the home, her open defiance and escape into the streets where a chance accident marks the dawn of a new life, new hope!"...
Destroyed during a fire that ravaged Sampaguita’s archives. Gilda tells the story of a poor squatter who carried her invalid mother while begging on the streets for money. As she lives under the abusive hand of her mother’s lover, Gilda dreams of becoming a singer....
One man dared turn this crude, uneducated, ill-clad gutter-born woman into high society's most beautiful, exciting, tempting creature....
Savage passions run wild - as violent as a condemned man on the loose....
A story about Lucio and Miguel, an angel and a demon who are friends who were both sent to earth on a mission....
In the 1970s, a widow in a remote village takes over her husband’s barber shop. She becomes the laughing stock of the male-dominated community and in the process discovers freedom and liberation....
Gruff retiree Rene rejects most human contact, but begins to soften once he comes to terms with his homosexuality....
When a civil war in the Philippines breaks out, a gay man born into a military family is forced to enlist in place of his ailing father....
A story of a U.S.-based senior citizen named Juan who lives in a senior citizens' home run by his son and daughter-in-law. Juan's favorite pastime is watching Wowowee on The Filipino Channel, though he does not watch the show just for entertainment's sake. Aside from wanting to connect with the Philippines that he dearly misses, Juan is lonesome for his first love Aida, with whom he lost touch during the Japanese occupation of Manila. Wowowee is Juan's way of coping with homesickness and relivin...
A story about a descendant of a rich hispanic family that lived in the Philippines in the 1800s (1896). Nine years ago, Alexa Nicole de la Vega started having dreams about a mansion where she always used to play as a child, These dreams gradually turn darker and leading to a part of the mansion which was described in her dreams as a "door she cannot open". Every year, her dreams about the mansion turn darker and more grotesque. One day a lawyer visits in her office informing her that she has inh...
Syota ng Bayan is Tanya Marquez, a bold star who quits showbiz and goes back to her hometown. Finding out that a cement factory is causing a lot of havoc in the environment and in the lives of her town mates, she challenges the incumbent of Mayor Golano to have it closed. When denied, Tanya rallies the people in protest but is silenced. The mayor's opponents prevail upon Tnays to run for mayor in the coming elections against Golano's son, Peter Lee. During the campaign period Tanya and Peter Lee...
A story of a man who joined the guerilla in World War 2....
Virgilio 'Gil' Labrador has made women swoon and his latest victim, Doña Consuelo, has killed herself after discovering his duplicitous crime. Gil relies on his sidekick Bugart to aid in conning women, even their landlady......
An elite group of American soldiers are in a race against time in this action thriller from director Cirio H. Santiago. Stacy Keach stars as the general in charge of the team tasked with infiltrating a terrorist organization and saving an American politician before the bad guys kill him. When Eagles Strike also stars Christian Boeving and Davee Youngblood....
A foreign correspondent is kidnapped and used for human prey....
A privileged teenager, disillusioned with the hypocrisy he witnesses in his small town, forms a bond with a lonely leper and a mentally unstable homeless woman....
Set at the turn of the 20th century during the Filipino revolution against the Spaniards and, later, the American colonizers, it follows a naive peasant through his leap of faith to become a member of an imagined community....
Daniel Aguila's son recounts memories of the Philippines as he searches for his father....
In Manila, a solitary man from a far-away province lives in poverty. The only thing he has is a camera, and he stays at churches hoping people will hire him to take their photographs. During one day, he has three encounters that change his life: the first, with a smooth-talking young man who's standing by the church door who berates him for wasting his life in church, the second with a boy who offers to take his picture, and the third with a Mercedes-driving man who's been stuck in traffic and h...
Lino Brocka's adaptation of Mars Ravelo's "komiks" melodrama about a successful businessman who is terrified of being exposed as a homosexual....
A young boy discovers his politician father's corruption and cruelty as he discovers his real mother is a victim of his own father's immorality and violence....
An adaptation of the comic of the same name....
Anti-crime crusader Lilia Chiong Yang seems to have everything a woman could want and need: a husband who pampers her; children whom any parent would be proud of; and the respect & admiration of the most powerful people in the land. But just as Lilia prepares for her 25th wedding anniversary celebration, a chance encounter in Thailand with her first love Michael throws Lilia's life into chaos. So begins the resumption of a relationship that threatens to unravel the delicate threads connecting Li...
A story about a man who saves a horse that was about to be put down not knowing that the horse was magical and could talk....
Waldo, a former prison thug, gets released after 30 years. He gets to live with Willy, a janitor in his former workplace. Together, they take down the company boss who operates his secret, illegal business....
Celso Ad. Castillo's film about villagers retelling the story of their hero and the revolt he waged in the countryside....
Brocka's potboiler about the rise of a starlet is the quintessential rags-to-riches, prey-turned-predator story, brimming with true-life anecdotes and an authentically acerbic sense of the seamier side of show business....
Drama based on the life and times of Vicente Sangel, a cock-fight aficionado known for defending the oppressed and eliminating the wicked of Quiapo during the 50's and 60's....
Newlyweds Cathy and Mari spend their honeymoon at a rural vacation house in Baguio. They are less welcomed by the old caretaker who gives them a tour, including a locked room....
Lando is married to Lorna. He took on the huge responsibility of taking care of his widowed aunt Trixia and her two children, the youngest being a moron. Because of his obligations to his aunt's family, his relationship with his wife Lorna has not been as happy and ideal as they would have liked. Aside from being needy and dependent on Lando, Trixia has been very close to Lando, a fact that is very much seen by Lorna. A deep dark secret will be eventually revealed to Lorna: that Lando and Trixia...
Official entry to the first Metro Manila Film Festival in 1978 directed by Manuel 'Fyke' Cinco and starred Christopher de Leon, Marianne dela Riva, Dranreb, Johnny Delgado, Amy Austria, Cynthia Gonzales, Allan Valenzuela, and Manny Luna....
A corrupt General plans on smuggling one million US dollars out of the Banana Republic he dominates. Local revolutionaries plan on stealing the cash but are thwarted when a bandit leader they are working with double crosses them. A tough cop and her boyfriend help two of the female revolutionaries escape from prison hoping that they will lead them to the cash, which they plan on keeping for themselves....
A woman is born with the power to control snakes. She uses these powers to seek revenge on the villagers who killed her parents along with the help of a local gang....
Helen and Dave are a happy couple, but their relationship is tested when Helen's younger sister Cleo comes into the picture. Helen's Family is under treat from being torn apart as the two sisters fight for the affections of A Single Man, and Helen herself is put to the test when faced with the temptation of Lex, her Ex-boyfriend....
Seven stories contained in letters received by the Mother of Perpetual Help Shrine at Baclaran, Phillippines....
Badong (Eddie Garcia) takes his only daughter, Luisa (Melanie Marquez) from the province and took it to Manila....
A story about a kind man whose father was a kungfu master which his students murdered, so he seeks revenge even if he doesn't know kungfu....
A Karate champion and his manager are invited to participate in a martial arts tournament held in an island ended up fighting for their lives while rescuing kidnapped models....
After the murder of his father, Emil tries to work under his uncle Daniel. Soon, he discovers that his uncle may have had a hand in his father's death....
This Filipino action thriller concerns a crime syndicate which specializes in holding people for ransom. Their most recent foray into crime succeeds in two cases but runs into difficulties when the kidnappers rape the daughter of their latest victim, a doctor. The doctor enlists the help of police Captain Alvaran (Joseph Estrada), who hunts the villains down with the able support of his loving wife....
Does reincarnation exist? Amanda (Pilar Pilapil) is a real icon--a tribal goddess and a sexy lass turned popular rich designer. On the other hand, Reden/Delyo (Christopher de Leon) is a tribesman, a young romantic lover, and a charismatic singer. Delyo's past life goes after his present while Amanda clings to her past. The two meet and try to build a bridge and heal the wounds of their past but they fail--but they're unstoppable. Life continues even after death in a different world where their i...
An undercover Muslim cop named Lt. Jamal goes to Manila to identify a dangerous syndicate's leader. While serving as a bodyguard to a Police Major, he competes with two syndicate members....
A stripper and taxi driver are fished out of poverty and anonymity by a commercial film director. The obsession with success forces them to affect images as movie stars, which suppress and eventually destroy them as persons and lovers....
A young female hero is unjustly accused of murder and intimidated to say that she committed the crime so that her family would not be harmed....
A story of married couples but leaves their own spouses for their relationship....
Corazon (Boots Anson Roa), an old Filipina who lives in Boston, wrote to each Manuel Pineda in her home a letter. She hopes to find her love again. In the Philippines experiences of the old Manuel Pineda (Eddie Garcia), meanwhile, that he has cancer and has only months to live. He goes in search of his Corazon.There were two Corazons in his life: before the Second World War, he spent (Mark Herras) and his buddy Domingo (Polo Ravales) a lot of time with the shy "Cora" (Jennylyn Mercado) and the l...
A film of three intersecting love stories....
Four women go on a radio show to share their woes....
A 1961 Filipino drama starring Paraluman and Mario Montenegro....
A judge in the Philippines strives to overcome his internal conflicts and render verdicts based solely on the evidence presented in court....
A story about a man who has lots of different women and families....
Two brothers become rivals in the affections of the same woman. Their rivalry tears them apart, and causes one of them to be heartbroken. But the two are forced to reunite in order to protect their family from a greedy businessman....
He used to be an outlaw. Now, he is feared by the criminals. Follow this action-filled chapter in the life of Boyong Manalac and witness how he terminates the notorious hoodlums one by one in cold blood. Starring Eddie Garcia, as the hoodlum turned cop. Also stars Edu Manzano, John Regala, Marta Sonano and Pinky De Leon. Eddie Rodriguez directs....
A soldier who once saved the entire country is assigned to guard a genius child whose intellect is needed to foil the plans of an evil villain....
Separated as children, two brothers find themselves on opposing sides of the law as adults, with one working as a cop trying to take down the drug lord for whom his brother works....
Director: Jose ‘Kaka’ Balagtas (as Jose Balagtas) Writers: Erwin T. Lanado (story), Erwin T. Lanado (screenplay) Stars: Eddie Garcia, Eddie Gutierrez, Charlie Davao, Ilonah Jean...
During the Chinese Revolution in 1949, young Chinese copra trader named Fong-Huan marries Elisa, a young and pretty Filipina. The couples children, Daniel and Linda, were raised in a mixture of Chinese and Filipino-Hispanic tradition. These richly cultured people are the ancestors of a dysfunctional third-generation family whose daughters tell their own stories of joy, struggle, and the complex realities in the life of Filipino Chinese families....
It is about a group of investigative journalists from a sub-par TV station who accidentally scores a scoop that a 21-year-old boy is looking around for his identity… he claims to be the son of the late director Lino Brocka, a known gay filmmaker....
Señor Manuel is an elderly gentleman who falls in love with the charming Luisa, a confidence trickster posing as a rich socialite. In preparation for their upcoming wedding, Señor Manuel takes Luisa back to see his hacienda and introduces his new fiancé to the staff. Among which is Gabriel, Manuel's right-hand man, who is not only well respected by the town’s people, but is also the one person that Señor Manuel trusts the most. Likewise, Gabriel cares deeply for the old man and is very protectiv...
Movie from 1970....
As a ramp and commercial model and a swinging teenager in this movie of sex,wealth and power, Assunta de Rossi as Erika is a sexy appealing face on billboards and on the catwalk but,at home, with her sister Loida, she shares a dark secret with her surrogate father,Mr. Lorenzo Lavares, who is wed to her sister. The house of Lavares features a strange quartet father and son married to the sisters with warped emotions and shocking happenings....
Set in the 13th century, the film is a fictionalized tale of Princess Urduja, a legendary warrior princess of Pangasinan. The film is created by an all-Filipino group of animators and made using the traditional (hand-drawn) animation process....
An ice cream vendor was bullied and thrown on a river.He swore to become a brave soldier. A spoiled brat snaps his adopted uncle and forced him to undergo military training. A barangay tanod is an action freak.He mauled even the well wishers for his birthday. A NEET accidentally burned a whole building while he was in an internet cafe.He was offered to be a soldier by his roommate. A mama's boy joins the military to strengthen his manhood and erase his mama's boy image....
A Filipino police story about Mariano Mison one the head of bureau who investigated the Vizconde massacre....
Prosecute The Sinner...
The true story of Andres Bonifacio, a man who rose as a leader in the fight against the Spanish oppressors, and would gain the enmity of even those fighting for the same cause....
Sgt. Greg Marcial is an esteemed detective who is tasked to investigate on a series of mysterious deaths among elderly men....
In a city where there is deception, crime and betrayal, it is a man who still keeps his word of honor ......
When Aldrin returns from the States, everyone is as ecstatic as his grandfather. But his reason for going home is not because of his lolo but his sister who is in an asylum. His vow is to take her away from their grandftaher who caused the early death of their parents. To avenge for what happened to his family, Aldrin plans a final revenge and that's when Jenna comes into his life....
The film is very, very loosely based on the life of Arturo Porcuna (Jeorge Estregan). Once upon a time, he was known as Boy Anino, notorious leader of the Bahala Na gang. But rival gangster Tony Razon (John Estrada) attacked him in his home, leaving his entire gang and his family dead in the ruins. But Porcuna survived, and now he returns under a new alias, Boy Golden, and he seeks revenge against those that did him wrong. Along the way, he meets Marla D (KC Concepcion), a dancer who also has a ...
Rod leaves Helen for his career and she falls in love with another. Rod becomes successful and goes back to Helen who obviously still feels strongly for him. An illicit affair ensues....
Kristine is a teenager living an affluent life with her mother whose managing the hacienda left them by her late husband. Since her mother is not used to managing the business, the hacienda risks getting foreclosed by the bank, which is managed by a former boyfriend she dumped to marry Kristine's father. Meanwhile, Kristine meets Mark in the school and they fall in love. Her mother finds out that Mark is the son of her former boyfriend....
Catherine goes through all the travails of a young woman who must deal with a scheming stepfather out to dupe her of her inheritance....
Gabi Na Kumander is the story of two brothers with opposite beliefs who suddenly find themselves in a fight for what each one believes is right. Ramil Macan had been assigned to fight the rebels in Sto. Nio and he discovers that the rebel leader is no other than his younger brother, whom he had given up for dead years ago. Ronald Macan, former law student and activist, took to the hills with the imposition of martial law. He is known as Kumander Kobra. Ramil had been assigned to put a stop to hi...
Strong-willed and sophisticated, Divina takes over the business of her late father Don Ferrer who had requested Divina to ensure that his daughter Nora with his mistress is cared for. But Nora wins the love of Jerry, the only man who has captivated Divina’s discriminating heart. From the start. Jerry is attracted to Nora whose steadfast suitor Oscar respects and honors her chastity, only to find out that she has fallen in love and has given herself to Jerry....
Filipino horror movie from 1972....
Filipino horror movie from 1972....
When her boyfriend leaves for Japan on a singing contract, a dancer is so distraught she does not see the car that hits her. The driver pretends to be a helpful passer-by; they fall in love and gets married. Only bringing her to a more complicated life....
Ted dreams of becoming rich and powerful. So he certainly doesn't want to marry his equally poor girlfriend, Nina. But when Ted introduces Nina to his rich, sick and old boss, Don Edmundo, his boss becomes infatuated with her. Ted persuades Nina to marry Don Edmundo, hoping for the old man's death and inheritance. Edmundo's daughter Lolit returns from the States and Nina is horrified when Ted marries her....
An Igorot maiden falls in love with a man from the city. They insist on being married, in spite of the protests of the families....
Tony Espiritu is a man on the run. He is running for his life. He is running from his life. This action-drama film dramatizes the legend of the beginnings of Olongapo City...
Filipino horror movie from 1973....
Filipino horror movie from 1974....
The story of Tony (Rudy Fernandez) is not only a reminder to actors or actresses, but to everyone. It teaches a lesson about humility and the so-called "debt of gratitude." It features the lives of some actors such as Vicky Villareal (Lorna Tolentino) and Vina Amor (Celia Rodriguez). Their lives roll around the wheel of fame, especially that of Tony's....
Father Greg, a diocesan priest, is reassigned to a parish up in the mountains. He embarks on a mission to help solve the crime, a mission which leads him to the discovery of his own personal salvation....
The death of tycoon Ernesto Benitez left behind two daughters by different mothers....
A teenage boy befriends a starlet who is having an affair with an ambitious mayor. As the elections are coming up, the mayor's wife wants him to get rid of his mistress. The starlet agrees to stop the affair on condition that the mayor help release her boyfriend from jail. The mayor does so, but wants the former jail-bird to kill his political rival....
A Filipino aristocrat loves his wife but he has a little fun with a chorus girl....
Dr. Paul Morgan is stunned to discover witchcraft and voodoo being practiced in the 20th century. while treating the citizens of a small village in the Philippines, Morgan falls for pretty young widow Elena, who becomes the target of a black witch who has swiped a valuable ring from the grave of Elena's late husband....
Donna, Judith, and Bessie are sisters from an aristocratic family. Each of them keeps a secret, all fighting for love and peace of one another....
A young woman, Cristy, must reconcile the choices she makes for her future with the demands of her overbearing mother, Rosa, in this intricate Filipino drama. When Cristy's father, Julio, abandons the family for his rich mistress, Jenny, Rosa refuses to let Cristy attend college. Tension mounts when Cristy not only seeks help from her dad but also falls in love with Jenny's brother....
Funny man Kenkoy courts Rosing the Manileña in this remake of the popular comics strip by Tony Velasquez....
Based on Francisco V. Coching's adventure comics novel, the film tells the story of Fernando (Cesar Ramirez), a handsome and dashing Spanish mestizo who goes back to the Philippines to exact revenge on his father whom he believed abandoned him and his mother Blanquita. There, he discovers the cruel and oppressive colonial government and joins the rebels in the fight against the oppressors as El Indio....
A band of adventurers invade a native island determined to grab a reported fortune in buried treasure....
Valentin Zapanta (Eddie Garcia) was know as "Ninong" ("Godfather") by the whole of Tondo. Because of his large territory, many tried to usurp his hold on Tondo. And when the time came, it was the least of his expectations that his closest "friend," whom he treated as his own son, would be the one to betray him....
Two cousins accomplish the final wish of their dying uncle to deliver a brown paper bag to a seedy, run-down hotel crawling with shady characters and retrieve in exchange a mysterious package....
A kidnapped diver is taken to an island inhabited by a mad scientist and his half-animal, half-human creations....
A Filipino 1980 comedy film....
A young co-ed falls in love with her first-degree cousin, who stays with her family while studying in Manila. Their forbidden affair, which they keep secret from their family, is revealed when she becomes pregnant. For the scandalized family, abortion is the only solution left, which the two lovers resist....
The first Darna movie featuring Vilma Santos....
Gabriela Silang a Filipino revolutionary leader best known as the first female leader of a Filipino movement for independence from Spain...
This is a Monumental Epic in the History of Filipino Movies....
The motion picture that will make you proud you are a Filipino....
A coalition of anti-narcotics brigades from many countries make a daring attempt to halt the flow of opium and heroin from the part of Southeast Asia, known as the Golden Triangle. The major syndicate operating in the area is led by Big Boss Norton, who is the target of their raid....
Action, Comedy movie starred by Eddie Garcia....
“Tum: My Pledge of Love” tells the love story of two people hindered by their respective cultural beliefs and threatened by people around them. In the end they come to the crossroad of their emotions, To choose whether or not they are meant for each other. But aside from the love story, the film also shows the rich culture of India....
John en Marsha movie....
A film by Francis Posadas....
True story of a CAFGU....
A young blacksmith realizes his destiny when a malevolent demon bent on ruling the world unleashes an army of creatures on humanity....
Classic movie starred by Eddie Garcia....
A story of hurt pride, obsession, vengeance, and love....
A 1988 Filipino romantic drama anthology film starring the hottest love teams of the time: Lotlot de Leon and Ramon Christopher star in Till Death Do Us Part; Tina Paner and Cris Villanueva team up in Invisible Lover; and Manilyn Reynes and Janno Gibbs pair up in Eternally....
In the final decades of the 20th century, the Philippines was a country where low-budget exploitation-film producers were free to make nearly any kind of movie they wanted, any way they pleased. It was a country with extremely lax labor regulations and a very permissive attitude towards cultural expression. As a result, it became a hotbed for the production of cheapie movies. Their history and the genre itself are detailed in this breezy, nostalgic documentary....
A cop and a corrupt judge clash continues. The judge, Valderama, seeks revenge against Lieutenant Guerrero after putting him in prison....
Sergeant Isagani Guerrero is on a mission to expose a corrupt judge and bring him to justice. He is working tirelessly to gather evidence and uphold the law....
Judge Valderama is once again on the loose. Will Lieutenant Guerrero finally meet his match?...
They are the unlikeliest of tandems. Two men whose only similarity is thier gender. One of them is Roman, a modest bounty hunter whose deftness is unparalleled. The other is Blakdyak, a younger bounty hunter whose mouth is as big as his appetite for money. Their paths cross when both are tasked to find Dannie, the witness in the murder of a deep penetration agent and the key to the arrest of a druglord. Friction arises early on, but both men soon realize that for them to accomplish their mission...
Kamagong stars Lito Lapid,Ruel Vernal and J.C. Bonin,in his last film role before becoming a full-time pastor.It is a coming-of-age story revolves around three Arnis fighters participating in full contact matches.It was directed by Carlo J. Caparas.The term "Kamagong" in this film, refers to a pair of ebony sticks carved like blunted double edged swords. This weapons have a tradition of being used as an instrument of justice. The sticks themselves also represent benevolent qualities in the stick...
Carlo, an unapologetically millennial college jock, thinks that Martial Law wasn’t all that bad. No one in his family had anything bad to say about it, all he’s ever read are online posts on human rights violations. Confronted by a frustrated History professor, Carlo sets out to prove he is right and looks for someone who lived through that period to tell the tale....
Lisang’s soul is trapped in purgatory due to her bad behavior. Once again, her name is picked and reconsidered. Will she be able to make it this time?...
Ramon, an 84-year-old retired politician, shocks his family with his decision to live with and take care of his gay, childhood best friend, Fredo, who’s dying of cancer. As it turns out, the two men are romantically in love....
Dina Bonnevie played a Filipina working with a US-based chemical company which sent a team to the Philippines to check a branch here. Eddie Garcia played the Chief of Police assigned to protect the chemical company's visiting group which fell victim to a terrorist gang headed by Vernon Wells. Eddie was only too obsessed to save the chemical company group because Dina happened to be his girlfriend, who, against Eddie's wishes, had gone to the U.S.A. for greener pastures....
An old woman's decision to leave her husband after years of constant bickering upsets the couple's children....
A story of a sad and insecure woman, who feels a need to win in a beauty pageant to prove herself worth and to fulfil her mother dying wish....
Surrounded by tensions and secrets, a teenage boy searches for validation and navigates life with a dysfunctional family following an HIV diagnosis....
A film about three troublesome friends who learn that one of them has inherited a hacienda from a deceased, rich man alleged to be his father....
Doña Atang, a once celebrated film producer from the earlier years of Filipino cinema, celebrates her one hundredth birthday. For her wish, she wants a reunion with all the actors and staff that she has worked with in the past. She is also looking for an unfinished film from one of her directors. Her grandson Michael decides to take the task of finding them. As he does, we remember the glorious years of cinema from its workers–fragments of a colorful past filled with faded memories....
The duo that pioneered the comedy reality-show in Philippine TV is now ready to showcase their talents even more with the first ever reality movie in the Philippines....
After a string of unsuccessful relationships, Corina married Teddy, an old widow whose daughter, Ana and sister Julita never approved of his new wife. An assertive young stepmother, a rebellious stepdaughter, and a working wife whose career provides tension between the wife and her husband are the portraits of the strong-willed woman of the 1980s....
When Ed Neilson's entire family is viciously murdered, he pleads with retired CIA operative Duke Smith (Robert Conrad) to investigate. He refuses, but relents after Neilson too meets an explosive death. Deception, international intrigue and a ruthless "syndicate of businessmen" intent on raping a South Pacific Islands nation of its resources keep the pace fast....
Filipino-American high school student Ben (Dante Basco) works in a comic book shop to earn money to pay his way into Cal Arts. His father, a postman, is determined that his son--who has won a pre-med scholarship to UCLA--will become a doctor. The eighteenth birthday party of Ben's sister, Rose, sets off a comedic and touching series of events and family struggles that will in turn determine young Ben's future. This fresh independent production from Gene Cajayon presents a lighthearted and warm c...
A man's blind ambition drives him to a life of violence....
A story about a man who just got out of jail and wanted to turn over a new leaf....
A 2005 Filipino film starring Manny Pacquiao, Aubrey Miles, Juliana Palermo, and Eddie Garcia....
Director: Efren C. Piñon Writer: Mauro Gia Samonte (screenplay) Stars: Rudy Fernandez, Stella Strada, Eddie Garcia...
Icons of Philippine entertainment industry pay tribute to the “Manoy” of Philippine Cinema Eddie Garcia in this documentary helmed by internationally-acclaimed director, Jon Red....
Twins Anton and Elmo form an uneasy truce to take down big time smuggler Laroza and his henchmen....
After a doctor's wife died, a former patient charged him of parricide. Is he guilty or is the patient just jealous that the doctor married another woman?...
A story based on the life story of Alfredo Lim, who rose from street cop to NBI Director and eventually Mayor of Manila. It speaks of his courageous and never-ending attempts to clean the city of crime and other significant problems....
When an unknown assassin kills off all of his family, Moises (Eddie Garcia) a retired military man is forced to get back into action as the governor's bodyguard in this hard action thriller. Philippines Tagalog movie....
This time, its Lauro's turn to doubt his wife fidelity. He chooses to stay in the house to keep an eye on his wife, who hired a hunky helper....
Gojo is an ex-con in search of his daughter and wife who is being kept by a gambling lord....
The story of an ex-police chief Jose “Pepe” Marasigan, who went after criminals and then surrendered to the authorities after he was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment....
The journey of a head priest in a small town who struggles with his faith when a beautiful lady named Vanessa confesses her sins to him....
After the death of his partner, Tikoy, a seasoned police officer armed with years of experience was forced to team up with Jun, an idealistic cop fresh from Academy....
Father and Son Military Sgt. Delfin Mijares and Lt. Del Mijares work on a mission against the biggest and most dangerous crime lord, Simon Ovarte called Ang Patron....
Lauro (Eddie Garcia) is a married man who just loves women. His wife Elena (Gloria Diaz), a beautiful and strong-willed woman is dead set in keeping him from womanizing....
What happens when Dad exchanges lifestyle with his son? Join Ariel (Aga Muhlach) and his widowed Erpat (Eddie Garcia) in this riot of a comedy on young and not so young love....
Follow the adventure of Sherlock, a private detective and, Orot, a street-smart fellow as they track down the syndicate behind a jewelry robbery....
Two warring crime syndicate families fight bitterly for dominance to the last of their descendants. Obedient and respectful, Daniel Sorilla gives up his sweetheart Blanca to his father who wants to marry her. Though Daniel fights his father's war and kills Don Claro, he chooses to pay for his crime in prison. Daniel lets his father raise and train his son Ramoncito to take his place in the war which Daniel finds repulsive. But now Daniel cannot anymore avoid the hostilities when his son's safety...
A story about a military man who was tasked to make peace with a tribe of head hunters....
Based on a true story. On All Saints Day, American teenager Susan Parker was held captive by a cold-blooded killer....
The story of an indigenous Igorot woman who traverses the complex path of life to the playful line of destiny....
Newly trusted to take over the management of a rich family's business, a poet rekindles his love for the matriarch's only daughter, a spinster who is harboring a horrific secret....
A sergeant takes revenge on the American soldiers who destroyed his family....
Secret muna....
A 1990 Filipino action film starring Phillip Salvador as Guiller Sta. Romana, a dedicated member of the police force....
A 1988 Filipino action film starring Lito Lapid....
The life of a police officer is turned into a living hell because of two notorious criminals....