Occupation double follows the lives of single girls and boys from Quebec who have one thing in common: the search for love. For several weeks, the girls and boys selected to be part of the adventure live in a dream rental abroad. The candidates live separately in two luxury houses located side by side. Through activities, trips and parties, the singles rub shoulders and get to know each other. Each week, the girls must eliminate a boy, or the boys must eliminate a girl, until there is only one w...
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Tormer couples get together for a meal to ask the questions that were left unanswered and – who knows? – perhaps rekindle their romance....
Occupation double follows the lives of single girls and boys from Quebec who have one thing in common: the search for love. For several weeks, the girls and boys selected to be part of the adventure live in a dream rental abroad. The candidates live separately in two luxury houses located side by side. Through activities, trips and parties, the singles rub shoulders and get to know each other. Each week, the girls must eliminate a boy, or the boys must eliminate a girl, until there is only one w...
A young couple buys a rotten house with the intention of turning it into their dream home. But the more the renovations progress, the more their life turns into a nightmare. Bungalow is a comedy-drama about the financial, social and sexual anxieties that millennials experience in our performance society....