This comedy drama series featured Terry McCann, a former boxer with a conviction for G.B.H., and Arthur Daley, a second-hand car dealer with an eye for a nice little earner. Alongside his many business ventures, Arthur would regularly hire Terry out as a minder or bodyguard, later replaced by nephew, Ray Daley....
A British television sitcom set on Merseyside that revolves around the relationship between Malcolm, a polite and friendly but dull man from middle-class Meols, and Brenda, a sharp-tongued, rough-around-the-edges working-class girl from Liverpool. Instead of the typical 'will they, won't they get together?', after getting together in the first episode, the show is more 'will they, won't they break up?' Watching refers to both the acerbic people watching that Brenda does and the bird watching tha...
Drama about a small-time gangster Thomas Gynn (Dennis Waterman) from London who discovers a new life up north in Yorkshire. Helping widowed, self-sufficient businesswoman Sally Hardcastle (Jan Francis) when her car breaks down on the motorway, Thomas reluctantly accepts an offer of a lift to Leeds. Over the coming months, the two become involved in a series of misadventures that soon find them being drawn closer together....
Drama about a small-time gangster Thomas Gynn (Dennis Waterman) from London who discovers a new life up north in Yorkshire. Helping widowed, self-sufficient businesswoman Sally Hardcastle (Jan Francis) when her car breaks down on the motorway, Thomas reluctantly accepts an offer of a lift to Leeds. Over the coming months, the two become involved in a series of misadventures that soon find them being drawn closer together....
The Lowesthorpe Trawlers an English, American football team, hire American coach Hunter McCall and persuade local firm Salty Sea Fish Foods to be their sponsors, in an attempt to improve their game....