This Brazilian TV show tells the story of young Jorel's Brother daily life, including dealing with his family, school and friends....
Carlo is a wacky, fun-loving boy with a passion for cookies and adventure. But after he falls into a magically deep sleep, things will never be the same!...
Jorel's Brother family almost gives up on Carnivals party whrn they find out that a soda brand sponsors the party, standardizing the costumes and playing the same song over and over again....
Gajah is a forgetful elephant who is elevated from anonymity to celebrity status overnight. He ends up moving away from his old traveling companions on the Tromba Trem. His fame is short-lived, as he becomes the prime suspect in a series of mysterious kidnappings. To unravel this mystery, he will have to count on the help of his old friends from before he became famous: a group of obstinate termites who live in a colony and Dudley, a vegetarian anteater....
Jorel's family prepares for Christmas Eve with a big dinner, flashing lights, plates, cutlery and cups, only used on very special occasions. The china cabinet is finally opened....