Preamar is an original series created for the Brazilian branch of the HBO Latin America. The series was produced by HBO's local partner, Pindorama Filmes. It first aired on May 6, 2012, being broadcast on Sundays at 9 O'clock pm. The plot of the series explores the environment of the informal trade that exists on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro, which, according to series production, generates about $ 7 billion per year....
In the 1990s, two brothers were accused of murdering eight women, one man and one child in the Serra dos Órgãos region. In the eyes of the suspects, Sergeant Téo realizes that the trial of the press, police and local society is fundamentally racist, and begins to have doubts about the conviction of one of them. Based on a true story, the film is a work of fiction about the famous case of the "Necrophil Brothers."...
Divided in five segments, "Todo Mundo Tem Problemas Sexuais" follows the story of different couples, each having various problems in bed....
Osso experiences three major dilemmas in his life: at the same time as he dreams of being successful in a band made up of unstable and immature young people, he also seeks to get closer to his parents and rebuild a relationship....
The story of one of the most important Brazilian heroes, Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, known as Tiradentes. He was the leader of a group who tried to proclaim Brazil's Independence from Portugal in 1789. But he was betrayed by one of his comrades and hanged....
The true story of Assis Chateaubriand, the first magnate of communications in Brazil. Due to his influence during the late 1930s up to the early 1960s, he has come to be called 'the Brazilian Citizen Kane'....