Based off the same name novel by Liu Liu, the story revolves around the lives of people in the medical field...
A winter-summer romance between an 20-year-old girl, He Ran, and a middle-aged man, Xiao Han. They both took a chance on each other; love and passion followed. Where would their story go in a sea of paint and flowers?...
It tells the love story of the smart and cheerful girl, Chen You You, who was forced to marry the unpredictable Lord QianSui, Bai Li. Bai Li is the great eunuch who is highly relied upon by the city lord. The unpredictable Lord QianSui has a cold personality and became the first handsome man in Fuxian City. He hid his identity as a fake eunuch to find out the truth of the unjust case in the same year. Meanwhile, Chen You You is a smart and cheerful girl who really yearns for a happy and free li...
The Story of a Noble Family (Chinese: 金粉世家) is a 2003 Chinese television series based on Zhang Henshui's novel Jinfen Shijia, directed by Li Dawei. The series was first broadcast in 2003 on China Central Television in mainland China....
Life story of Chinese silent film star Ruang Ling Yu....
After the September 18th Incident, Dong Bei was occupied by the Japanese enemy. Rong Shi (Jin Dong) knows that Japanese soldiers want kill the whole Xu family when Xu Yihang (Jiang Xin)’s wedding ceremony. He sent a messenger to tell Xu family this thing. But there is traitor in Xu family. So finally Japanese soldier still kill whole family. Three siblings embarked on a road of revenge from here....
A senior high school girl is dragged into mire of porn video trafficking. Police detectives try their best to strike the criminal rings....
Biography of the famed Chinese composer Xian Xinghai...
Police attempt to stop Nationalist agents from destroying public buildings in Ruancheng after the Red Army occupies the city....
Lili passed her singing examination and is accepted in the Children‘s Art Troupe. As she arrives home to tell her parents the good news, she find them quarreling....
A successful but highly stressed researcher goes to a psychiatrist after being plagued by creepy mysterious phone calls....
A person's life is destined to be shorter than that of a city. Having spent her whole life in Shanghai, Qiyao has her moments of prosperity and her fair share of loneliness. She finally fades and disappears but Shanghai remains a metropolitan city. Shanghai in the 1930s is glamorous and seductive....
A story of a businessman who accidentally boards a train bound for Russia with his mother and has to overcome difficulties with his mother and problems in his family life....
A former spy in the Chinese Nationalist Party falls for an opium-dealing widow, as China is ravaged by war and revolution....
The vigorous director of the Oriental Silk Factory is invited by her former husband to resign and take a position in Japan....
Chinese drama from 1980....