This Chinese period drama series follows the fortunes of a prominent merchant family engaged in Traditional Chinese Medicine during the waning years of the Ching dynasty. The affairs of this family of doctors/pharmacists (which in those days were one and the same) are intimately linked with social upheavals of the time such as the encroachment of Christian missionaries and foreign imperialism as well as conflicts that inevitably emerge in a large upper class family. Comparable in scope and produ...
A young soldier must balance the difficulties of being a military dog handler with his own personal life....
The Dragon Pearl Agriculture, Industry and Commerce Joint Company is established in Longjiazhuang Village to help the people get out of poverty....
An old mansion, sealed for years, re-opens as a museum. A ghost is sighted by the museum's guide, our heroine, who has fallen for a social outcast, a scientist obsessed with finding ghosts with his machines....
During the shut down and destruction of the Japanese test camp Squadron 731 in Manchuria, a soldier becomes infected with a virus developed during the camp's testing and risks spreading it into Japan on the train ride home....