The story begins in the Northern Qi Kingdom. The prime minister Gu Qing Hong schemes to murder his wife Miao Qian Qian, the daughter of an aristocratic family, together with her whole family. However, the Emperor of the Southern Liang Kingdom’s younger brother Xiao Feng Qing, who’s actually a half-alien, rescues Qian Qian. Qian Qian from then on lives under the name Nie Wu Shuang and enters the palace of the LiangKingdom. A love triangle between Wu Shuang and the Xiao brothers ensues. But behind...
An Australian girl becomes an au-pair for a Chinese family....
Even when they were orphans, Wang Yizhi has always been in love with Xinxin. Now older, Yizhi decides to train as a boxer before he allows himself to profess his love, but only for her to fall for a geeky computer engineer who is secretly a popular superhero. When Xinxin gets kidnapped, Yizhi must prove his love and his fighting skills to get the girl of his dreams....