Caillou is an educational Canadian children's television series, based on the books by author Christine L'Heureux and illustrator Hélène Desputeaux. During the first season, many of the stories in the animated version began with a grandmother introducing the story to her grandchildren, then reading the story about the book. Since 1997, the narrator/grandmother is an unseen character. Caillou first aired on Canada's Teletoon channel in 1998; it later made its United States debut in English on Pub...
A grandmother tells her young grandchild the moving tale of a lonely girl and an unforgettable magical cat in this animated short narrated by Oscar®, Emmy and Tony award winner Maureen Stapleton. The film is based on a short story written by Dayal Kaur Khalsa and adapted by two-time Governor General's award recipient Tim Wynne-Jones....